Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hellacious Blister

Two runs to note here, since my last post....

Friday, lunch time.  Decided to run in the heat of the day (mid 80's, hot, and humid).  Since I haven't acclimated to the heat yet, what's the best way to run? Right in the middle of the day!  No, not really.  It sucked. Big time.  I ran in my 5Fingers, thinking that I could increase my mileage in them by now.  However, I  knew I was in trouble because at 1.3 miles (while stopping at a light), I noticed that I already had hot spots on my feet where I usually get blisters on longer 5Finger runs.  This didn't bode well for my 5-miler...  At mile 4, I had to start walking... a lot, because my left foot was hurting really bad.  When I got back, I confirmed that I had a *huge* blister that went across two toes (in width) *plus* major bruising underneath the blister. When I popped it (I had to... I could hardly walk on it), it streamed a bloody pus (sorry, were you eating?) like a hose for a few seconds.  It didn't just dribble; it shot out! yuck.  Anyway, it still hurts to walk on and I think I bruised my foot as well, because...

Yesterday, I ran around 6:30 pm.  Again, it was hot and humid (around 84 at run time).  Still sunny, still very humid (the weather guy said it was the most humid day of the year so far).  I was supposed to do 6, but the time of day, the heat, plus the foot bruising (and probably another blister I can't seem to pop) beat me out of it, and I lumbered in with 4 miles.  I was exhausted as well.  However, I got 24 miles in this week, which is good, as I'm gearing up for some sort of race in the fall, and I need to actually follow some sort of training plan.  Maybe a 1/2 marathon in October, maybe a trail long run (by myself), still dunno what, but either way, I need to start officially training for something.

This past week I also started watching what I eat.  Not a diet, per se, but tracking how many calories I eat during the day.  It has got me thinking just how much I snack, and I *am* trying to keep the calorie intake reasonable.  I even add 110 calories of total calorie input I should have that day for every mile I run (this has an extra incentive to run more!).  I could not keep a static calorie intake if I ran, say, 6 miles that day.  I would be exhausted (and starving).  Besides, after running 6+ miles at a time, I get ravenous about 3 hours later. Thanks to My Lovely Wife to helping me track my calories.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Extreme Hill Workouts

After two hill workouts, my quads are toast  This weekend, my family spent the weekend at Wintergreen Resort.  It was a lot of fun.  We hiked, the kids did the climbing wall, enjoyed a beer fest, and all and all, just had a good time.  I ran twice in the mountains as well.

During the first run, I ascended 700 feet and descended 700 feet, with a total upper and lower altitude of 3900 and 3000 feet.  I ran 5.5 miles total, but due to the extreme hills, I had to walk up the steepest parts.  Even so, I managed a 10:50 pace, which, considering the hills, was pretty good.  I definitely felt my quads on the downhill portions (which I ended up running, or more appropriately, shuffling, instead of walking).  I felt great at the end though, and I was very glad I was able to run.

This morning, I ran *just* four miles, at a 9:48 pace.  This was just an altitude change of 550 feet, but all at one go.  I started out around 3,550 feet and ran down to 3,000 feet, then back again.  Needless to say, my first two miles (running a net downhill) was significantly faster than my uphill back.  However, I ran all the way up this time, although at times I definitely was shuffling, making a very slow progress.  Ironically, I was listening to a walk/run podcast during my first run (where I walked and ran) and listened to a podcast where they described how to run hills during second run (where ran up the hills).  I kept my cadence up during the second run where I was shuffling along, so that was good.  Plus, if my quads weren't trashed the first time, they were definitely trashed the second run.  They hurt even now, a good 7 hours later.

Hopefully, this week will be better than my last week, where I ran exactly 1 time (the first mountain run described above).  There are so many hilly areas around here, I should take advantage of them.  Heading out 20-some miles out west, I can find some really good hills.  I just need to go out and do it.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Long Run and Shirt Review

Let's start with the shirt review and get that out of the way...  A month or two ago, I received a free t-shirt in the mail after signing up here.  It is an Agion shirt with one side treated with an odor reducer, and the other side treated with nothing.  A while back I did a test where I wore the shirt out for three runs without washing.  I overwhelmed the odor reducer, but on the other hand, I *did* wear the shirt three times in the hot sun sweating up a storm!  Now, let me say one thing, when I run and sweat, I don't exactly smell like roses.  I tend to smell like, well, a guy who ran outside and sweated a lot.  So, now I wore the shirt two times in a row, again, without washing.  The treated side smelled a little bit, but I really had to get up close -- *much* closer than I would expect someone to come up to sniff me.  The untreated side? whew... I didn't need to get close to smell it.

How did the Agion shirt do? Very well.  The odor treatment (or should that be the anti-odor treatment) worked very well.  It's not supposed to totally eliminate the odor (or maybe it does), but it significantly reduces them... so much so that I *could* run a couple of times without washing the shirt (not that I would ever do that, no, never). 

I not only got a free shirt, but I got a shirt that doesn't smell on one side.  
Case Closed.

Now, today I ran 10 miles (this happened to be the second run in the second test in the Agion shirt).  The mugginess in Washington DC is starting up this year and this morning, even at 6:00 am, a touch of the mugginess was there.  I ran a sorta-new route, going on one route towards Wegman's, but then crossing Route 29 onto a neighborhood road.  Now, I don't recommend crossing Route 29 during the day, but at 6:30 am (and then again at 6:50 am), the road was pretty clear.  I was able to cross without the cross walk one way, but had to wait a minute or so crossing back.  The run itself? The first 8 miles were great :)  At half-way, I was very very strong.  2 miles later I still felt good.  At 8 miles, pretty good.  Miles 9 and 10? Not so good.  The last mile was about 15 seconds slower than my average pace.  My right plantar was acting up a bit as well.  All in all, only three runs this week, but still, 22 miles.  So that is not *too* bad... but I need to get my miles up (and I need to figure out what I want to run this fall so I choose a training program).

Oh, today I bought Brooks Ghost 2 shoes.  I'll let you know how they do, but when I went to the running store (VA Runner, great store!) and told them that my 'other' running shoes were the Vibram 5 Fingers, and suggested that I wanted a neutral shoe, the Brooks Ghost 2 were one of the ones they brought out.  Historically, I'm used to the Brooks Adrenaline, more of a stability shoes, so my experience with Brooks has been with a heavier shoe.  These were as comfortable as my Saucony Guide shoes (my most comfortable shoes -- EVER).  But, the proof of the pudding is in the eating (no, really, that's how the proper saying goes -- check it out), so maybe I'll have another review after a hundred or so miles in these shoes.

Friday, May 21, 2010

New Distance for 5Fingers

Well, yesterday evening, I ran a new distance with my 5Fingers -- 6.29 miles.  I ran from Reston Town Center onto the W&OD trail after work -- something I can thank My Lovely Wife for, as she took care of dinner for the kids, allowing me to do the run after work.

I ran at an 8:53 pace, which was faster than my previous run in my regular running shoes, so I was happy about that.  However, at about mile 5 I started getting hot spots on the bottom of my feet.  At the end, I had blisters on my forefeet (close to my toes).  I'm sure that was totally due to the fact that I'm landing on my midfoot, and probably twisting the bottom of my foot on the ground before take-off.  It's causing a rub on my feet.  Now, I'm probably not doing to do anything about it, and my feet will get some callus' on them, so the blisters will stop.  On the other hand, my feet were a bit tender at work, although shoes helped :)

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to get a long run in to round the week at a whopping 3 runs :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I Have Been Running, You Know

... Not that you've known from my posts, or lack thereof.  The past two weeks have sort of fizzled out.. Two weeks ago (or, the week of my most recent post), I ran nearly 14 miles.  Last week, I ran 14.25 miles.  Both weeks I didn't run Friday or Saturday.  This week's start wasn't much better.  I didn't run Sunday or Monday, but finally ran this evening... but only be bringing my running stuff to the office so that I could run before I went home and 'settled down' for the evening -- which is easy to do once you walk inside the front door.

Now, this past weekend, My Lovely Wife ran a half marathon!  She ran in the Marine Corps Historic Half in Fredericksburg, VA.  It was a good weekend, and good weather (although a bit warm my late morning on Sunday).  The whole family had fun.  She was very happy to get the race under her belt, and happy that it was a half marathon.

Now what.. I don't know.  I've been in a 'base training' mode for months now, and need to change it up a bit.  I need to figure out what sort of races there are this Fall, and also figure out what sort of distances I should consider.  Should I go for speed, and concentrate on 5k's?, or go the total opposite and walk/run an ultra?  What say you?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

There's such as thing as a 'bad' run...

Well, with 4 runs (okay, maybe three) this week, I realized that last Saturday's run can be termed 'bad'.  Not just bad, but terrible....

I ran a few miles on Sunday, one mile with My Number One Son, and then another few miles by myself... then Tuesday evening (6 miles at 8:35 pace) and just now (another evening run -- 4.5 miles at 8:43 pace).  I felt great for all the runs.  Now, my right plantar still hurts, but it doesn't actually kill me the next day (unlike in the past), so I'll take that as a good sign.  Today's run was in my 5Fingers!  I was able to handle the distance without pain (always a good thing), although I stepped on a rock with my right heel, *exactly* where my right plantar hurts on my way back, which *really really* hurt.  However, within a half-mile of the 'rock incident', I was fine (thanks for asking).  But, I think I"m getting used to the 5Fingers.  I'm still going to take it easy with them (not run too far), but over time, I still hope to increase the distance to 6 miles or so.

The rest of this week? Dunno.  I'm going camping Friday afternoon through Sunday morning with Cub Scouts, so I won't have time to run.  So I"m hoping to get 8-10 miles on Friday morning or noon (not sure which).  Since I probably won't be able to run tomorrow morning, and tomorrow evening isn't looking good either, I'm not sure I could run tomorrow (Thursday) night, and then a long run Friday morning.  Who knows.  I didn't plan this week correctly :/

Saturday, May 1, 2010

One Run Past a Good Week

Up until this evening's run, this running week was very good.  I had very good runs, including an 8-miler, well in the 8-something pace.  My right plantar didn't hurt (too much), and 24 hours after a run, I hardly felt it.  However, this evening changed all of that.

Suffice it to say, that if you have one or more of the following conditions, your run may not be considered 'a great run':

  • It's evening and you are used to running early in the morning
  • You just had a dinner-sized meal
  • It's 81 degrees, hot and sunny, when you are used to running in cooler temps when the sun is first rising
  • You didn't do pushups 'to exhaustion' earlier in the day
If you have done one or more of these items, or in my case, did all four, well, you may not have the best run.
This evening's run was kinda sucky.  It started out fine.  I ran 2 miles and I was tracking pretty well.  3 miles, and I was beginning to suffer a bit, 4 miles, and it was over.  I had to begin the first of several walking breaks.  Towards the last mile, I think I was walking at least half the time.  Fortunately, My Lovely Wife was driving home just when I was three-quarters of a mile home, jokingly asked if I needed a ride, and was surprised when I said 'Yes'.  Boy, it was a bad run.

However, I will have been glad to get some miles in today, because in the end, there are no 'bad' runs, because your worst run is better than not running at all (unless you are injured).

Total for the week 25.5, so that wasn't too bad.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Some Things Considered

Ever wonder how your life would be changed if you left earlier or arrived later than your actual arrival or departure?  I was thinking that when I was heading to the airport last Sunday. I was thinking back to after my senior year in high school. My friends and I had gone to the Ocean City, Maryland for beach week before (or maybe it was after) Graduation. On the last day, I caught a ride with a buddy to go back home to do something or other. It turns out that the other group of people I was hanging out with took their rental house security deposit and went water skiing. I missed out of that because I left early. I was bummed when I found out (apparently I still am because I was thinking about it 20+ years later). Anyway, something like that happened again this past Sunday. I got to the airport a little early as I wasn't sure about security lines, etc, when I saw my oldest sister in the security line ahead of me!  Now, my sister lives in Kansas and doesn't often come out this-a-way. She was here for some event nearby and was only here for the weekend. I could not even calculate the odds of this happening and the events that needed to occur for this to happen (for starters, my business trip was delayed a week). We couldn't even have planned it better if we tried. Anyway, that was really nice that I got to see her. 

Oh, I ran some this week too. I ran 6 miles on Monday, 4 miles on Wednesday, and 8 miles this morning. My pace was very good too. It seemed that the run last Wednesday really got my pace going. I ran well into the 8-something pace monday and Wednesday, and something like an 8:25 for the 8-miler this morning. I was really happy with that. Now, my right plantar hurts a little bit when I stand up and start walking (since I was flying today, I hobbled a bit funny when I got off the plane). I'll try to (re)start my effort to run on trails or other soft surfaces on weekends. 

Speaking of trails, considering that although my speed is coming along, and that I seem to be able to keep the speed up on longer runs, I'm not sure I should sign up for a race (read: marathon) this fall. Mostly due to my  plantar fasciitus. I fear the long runs required to train will prevent it from healing. However, that doesn't preclude me from taking on the distance this fall on the Bull Run Regional Trail. Since the trail goes on for 20+ miles, I could easily go out 13.1 (and then back) and end up running the full marathon distance. I'm not sure I'm going to do this, as I'm just mulling it over in my mind (also still thinking of an official fall marathon as well). 

During my run today, I was also thinking of how many people run 20+ miles when they are *not* training for a marathon**. I know *I* haven't run 20*** unless I've been marathon training. If I were to do the marathon distance trail run this fall, it would be the first time I've run over 20**** miles without training for an official marathon. Hmm... should I do that?

Another part of me is wondering if I can qualify for the Marathon Maniacs.  To qualify for the Bronze level, I need to either (1) Run 2 Marathons within a 16 day time frame, OR (2) Run 3 Marathons within a 90 day time frame.  Of course, this is totally opposite the paragraph above (that is, *not* training for an official marathon to avoid further injury).  Oh well....

** The number 20 has now appeared 3 times in this post. You should use that number to play the lottery!
*** 4 times!
****  5 times!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Running with a Group, Part Two / Another Evening Run

I do want to point out one thing about last night's run -- although I *think* I ran an 8:20-8:25 pace, it was no walk in the park.  I was beat.  I was *happy* I had to wait 2-3 minutes at the intersection going out, and happy I had to wait 1-2 minutes at the same intersection coming back.  I was beat at the end.  I wasn't going race pace, but I was close.  *That* is the biggest thing to (re) learn about running with a group -- don't go too fast.  I could handle it, but it was definitely a hard run.

Tonight? Another evening run.  My Number One Son had another sports practice tonight, so I took the opportunity to get another run in.  Where he practices is roughly 1.2 miles from a path going to Ellanor C. Lawrence park (according to my Garmin) so I headed there.  Apparently, I keep forgetting that I can't do simple math while on a run, so although I chose a path where it ended 2.45 miles in, I couldn't remember that I had to add .55 X 2 -- or roughly a mile -- to my run to make it an even 6 miles.  I got the .55 mile part, so I added another 1/2 mile to my run, or thereabouts, but at the end, I only had 5.44 miles.  I had forgotten to add *another* .55 miles to my run to make it 6.  Oh well, my legs were shot anyway (see above).  In fact, my quads are a bit sore from running, and of course, my right heel hurts.  Some say it's plantar fasciitis, and they are probably right.  All I know is that I wake up in the morning and need to hobble around for a few minutes until my heel can stand walking normally on it.


Running with a Group

Last night, I went on my very first Wednesday evening run with Reston Runners / Potomac River Running (PRR).  At the PRR Reston store, at 6:30 pm on Wednesdays, the store and the club offer a 50 minute run on the W&OD trail. I haven't run with Reston Runners in years, although I do belong, and I've never started a run at PRR.  I also realized that I don't run with a group very often, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

The pre-run was good.  Since I knew zero people there, I didn't talk much, but I noticed a lot of race shirts (rule #1: on a group run, flaunt the fact that you have done some races!).  There was a representative from Mizuno there with a raffle, so I entered my name. I couldn't / wouldn't enter any other personal information about myself, that was good :)  

Then we started.  I immediately started running at my running pace, but apparently others started running at a warmup pace (I guess that's rule #2 about group running...).  It didn't matter too much, as different groups started running their own paces.  There were two people who really just took off, running what had to be a sub-8 minute mile.  I hung out in the second group, but took the hills pretty hard, so I went ahead of them.  A few of them caught up and passed me at an intersection (we lost about 2-3 minutes waiting there), and they never looked back.  I kept my pace up pretty well though -- I think I was running a 8:20-8:25 average, with some 1/2 miles splits at around an 8:00 minute/mile.  That's the big thing about group running, I tend to run faster than when I'm by myself.  However, I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing.

At 25 minutes, I turned around, and started back.  For some reason, I got it my head that I needed to be back at 45 minutes (instead of 50), so every time I looked at my watch, I thought I was behind, so I sped up a bit.  With about a mile to go, I realized that I was not tracking correctly, but by then, I knew I was doing a negative split, so I kept it up.  In the end, I did a negative split by about a minute, so 49 minutes overall.  I'm guessing I did an 8:20 or 8:25 pace overall, so I"m guessing that I did 5.88 miles (since I knew I ran for 49 minutes).  Since I didn't have the Garmin, it was guess work, but the W&OD trail is marked very half mile, so this was close.

At the end of the run, I stretched my calves and heel as much as I could while waiting for the raffle.  I didn't win anything, but I did notice a cool marathon training shirt sold at the store, so I'll need to remember that.

Will I do it again? Yes.  I enjoy it, but need to remember two things when running with a group: 1) wear a race shirt; and 2) wear clean clothes (see this post for more info on this).  Note: I *did* follow #2 last night, but it's always a good thing to remember...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Non-morning runs

Thursdays are a bit hectic, as my Number 1 Son has Flag Football practice at 5:30 pm.  It does for 1 1/2 hours. This week, I decided to use my time a bit more wisely than last week, and try to get a run in.  Now, I had never run in this particular neighborhood before, so it was an adventure in itself.  Plus, it was a little on the warm side (when you normally run at O'Dark-Thirty, any time with the sun is 'a little on the warm side').  I ended up doing 6 miles at a 8:59 pace.  The neighborhoods were great.  I ended up running through some very different parts, and it was obvious they different parts were built in many time time periods, all the way from the late 60's/early 70's to some being built right now.  The only bad part was that I was running during evening rush hour, so I had to wait several minutes at one light (today was one of the only times I stopped my watch during these long waits).

Friday? Lunch-time run.  I ran to the local REI store (3 miles one-way) to pick up a shirt and a nalgene bottle.  I then ran home.  The pace was a little slower, as I still felt sluggish from the day before, but I had a negative split. I also took a 15 minute break between runs, so on buckeyeoutdoors, I tracked it as 2 3-mile runs, versus 1 6-mile run.  My right plantar hurt after the run, and pretty much hurt all afternoon into the evening.  Today, due to a hectic schedule, but also due to my plantar, I decided to take a rest day.  Hopefully, I'll be able to run before church on Sunday, but only a short run to ease my way back to the week.

A few weeks ago, I received an Agion t-shirt in the mail by signing up here.  I have been meaning to write my review of it, but wanted a few good runs in first to really test the anti-stink power of the shirt.  Early reviews though.. it seems to work.  I wore the shirt three times (without washing) to really begin to test it.  I stank a little, but when compared to a shirt I wore two times** (again, without washing), whooooooeeeeoooo, there was a difference.  The older shirt (worn twice) was noticeable from several feet away, while I had to get up close and personal (actually holding the shirt up to my nose) on the Agion shirt.  Now, I normally won't walk up to somebody, grab a piece of their shirt, and hold it up to my nose -- well, normally, that is -- so, I guess the Agion shirt passed the first test.  Now, to test it after washing to see if anything of the magic components washed out.  I'll write more after more science experiments with the shirt.

** Note: I only wore the shirt two times without washing for science reasons.  No, I would never do that outside of laboratory conditions.. Well, mostly never.. that is, sometimes.. well, okay, often... happy?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What's Going On?

I don't know what is going on this week.  Last week, I did my last real run on Friday (documented in this post).  Saturday, I ran a mile with Number One Son (but didn't track it).  I didn't run again until Tuesday, a 6 miler, but very sluggish.  This morning, I ran 3 miles in my 5Fingers (btw, I figured instead of typing VFF like the VFF fanatics, I can type 5Fingers, with my reasoning being I'm less of a fanatic).  This was *very* sluggish.  I originally was going to do 4, but after running 1/4 mile in the 5Fingers, I figured I didn't want to injure myself, so I dropped it to 3.  

Tomorrow? Who knows... Hopefully 6, but also expect it to be sluggish (how's that for positive thinking!).

The good part of the week (here's the positive thinking) is that I can finally wake up early again.  However, I'm *very* beat by the end of the day.  You know, if it were going into Winter, I'd understand, with the fewer hours of sunlight, etc., etc., but geesh... the days are getting *longer*!  You think I'd be rarin' to go each and every day.

Oh well. :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

No Groove

Didn't have any groove this morning.  Was going to do 10 miles, but after started, realized that since I hadn't run 10 miles yet this week, and I didn't want my 'long run' to be > 50% of my weekly total (I actually shoot for my long run being no more than 30% of my weekly total), I cut my long run to 9 miles (which, in my book, doesn't actually make it a 'long run', more of a long-ish run, but I'm being picky now).

Anyway, I came up with every single excuse to prevent myself from heading out the door this morning, including running 2 houses away, and then turning around to get a long sleeve shirt on (although it has been quite warm this past week, a cold front came in, making the temps in the 50's, but there was a very stiff wind out this morning, on top of a rainy night, making it a little chilly this morning).  I was actually lucky that I got up enough guff to go back outside after committing a cardinal sin of using excuses not to run -- going back inside the house to get something.

After a 1/2 mile, I still wasn't motivated.  After 1 mile, I wasn't motivated, but was committed.  After 3 miles, I was thinking about cutting the run short.  After 4.5 miles (the turnaround), I was thinking that soon, very soon, I would get a groove going so that I wouldn't look like I was lurching down the road (I'm sure, well, pretty sure, I wasn't actually doing that, but it sure felt like it).  At 8 miles, I thought a felt a groove coming on, but it quickly went away.  At 9 miles, it was over, and thank God for that.  It was a bad run.  My time wasn't too bad (9:05 pace), but I felt terrible (or should it be 'turrible').  My right plantar made itself known, but my left knee kindly didn't.  I just need to stretch (a lot) today.

Oh, not that I posted, but I ran two other times this, both of them to Cub Scout adult/leader events (i.e., no kids).  The first night (yes, Night... for some reason, mornings weren't kind to me this week either, so no early morning runs) I ran 1.3 miles to the meeting, cleaned up, had a meeting, and then figured out a way to get 2.3 miles in on the way home, making a 3.6 mile run.  The next night, I packed up with new clothes and a sandwich, ran 3.6 miles to the meeting,  changed, cleaned up, ate the sandwich, had a meeting, and then 1.3 miles home, for a total of 5 miles.

All in all, a light week, certainly not what I am intending, but hoping to get a Saturday run in.  The morning is out, but hopefully in the afternoon?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Slooooow Start

It's been a slow start to the week, pretty much a downer from last week.  Let's see, Sunday, Rest Day, Monday, Skipped Run, Tuesday AM, Skipped Run. Tuesday Night -- Finally got a (short) run in.  I had a Cub Scout meeting Tuesday evening, so I decided to run there and back.  Not too bad a run -- the total was less than 4 miles, and there was a 2 hour break in the middle, but at least I got something in.

There's another meeting tonight.  Dare I risk running to that one too?  Now, keep in mind, that I don't bring a change of clothes with me, so I do try to put a little distance between me and the rest of the folks.  I also wouldn't consider running 5-6 miles TO a meeting, although I would love to run 5-6 coming home, but somehow don't have the fortitude to change my route enough to get the distance in coming home, plus it's late.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

*Now* I Can Say It's Been a Good Week

As you remember yesterday, I was hestitant to say that it was a good week, because I still had a run today.  Well, 10.12 miles later, *now* I can say it was a good week.  38.57 miles. 6 days of running out of 7.  Not bad.  Of course, I had to go on vacation to do this.  Wonder if I can make it a habit.  Well, I could, but living out in the street would put a damper to my running....

Today I ran 10.12 miles at a 9:05 pace.  It sounds better than it felt.  For the first 5 (!) miles, I felt sluggish.  I couldn't get a rhythm going.  I started out pretty early, but since I was going to finish up in daylight, I didn't bring my night running gear (reflective vest, headlamp).  The ironic thing was that I was listening to a podcast where they were interviewing the President of Go Motion Gear -- the maker of high-end lighting for runners.  Go figure.  I thought very highly of the interview, but after checking their website, felt that although the gear looks very good, I don't want to spent $80 on lighting.  You should check it out though.  I personally like the waist belt add-on, and they are supposed to work very well, but $80 is $80.

I hope to continue my streak next week by running at least 5 days.  Tomorrow, however, I'm taking off.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Rollin' 'cross the Bridge

This week we were on vacation at Sunset Beach, NC.  It's a wonderful place, where you can relax, take it easy, and of course, get some good runs in! Let's get the run recap out of the way...
  • Monday: 4.71 at an 8:49 pace.  It was windy and a bit rainy, but overall, a good run.  My calves were tight, but even though I ran stopped and stretched at mile 2, I kept a good pace.  I was sluggish for first couple miles, as it had been a while since a good run.
  • Tuesday: Ran a mile with my kids (yes, I'm counting that), and then ran 4 miles with My Lovely Wife.  I wore my 5Fingers on this run, and yes, my calves were very tight again!  Kept the pace easy though.
  • Wednesday: 8 miles with My Lovely Wife.  Normal shoes this time.  Kept pace easy and it was a very good run (mostly because I got to run with my wife!)
  • Thursday: A Fast 5.7 miles with my normal shoes (with mile 2 and mile 5 at an 8:04 pace), with an overall pace of 8:11.  Then I ran 2 miles with my Number One Son. That was good too! (also did the 2 mile run in my 5Fingers).
  • Friday: Back at home, did an easy 3 miler in my 5Fingers (9:03 pace).
So far, 28.45 miles.  Hopefully, I'll get a good long run in tomorrow to round out the week.
So, the Beach.  Very nice, very pleasant.  Got to stay with My Lovely Wife's parents, so that was very good.  Also got to spend time with her Grandmother (Nana), so that was a double-bonus.

It also may be the last time we got to drive across the old swinging bridge.  They are building a new bridge (non-swinging, non-draw) to replace the old one, and it may be done by the time we visit again later this Summer.  Who knows.  It's a one lane bridge, pretty bumpy (wooden planks on iron or steel -- I think) and you can't go more than 10 mph on it or else it rattles your car apart, but it's been there since 1961 and it has helped defined the beach since.  It is pretty much a residential beach, with only a few commercial stores on the beach.  I don't know if the new bridge will bring more commercial stores (probably), but I hope they keep the spirit of the beach intact.  But enough about that :)

I did run across the bridge last year, and I don't really recommend it.  I ran early in the morning, which was good, as there was less traffic on the bridge.  They don't mention pedestrians explicitly, but they say that bicyclists must cross after the cars, so I ran pretty much sprinted across the bridge as fast as I could after the last car, but still didn't make it before the car traffic started coming back the other way.  Fortunately, they were nice and drove extra slow when passing me.  The new bridge is supposed to have a pedestrian walkway, but we'll see.  It's a pretty steep incline (since it's a bridge) so it might be a tough climb.  Ask me again later this summer about it!

I won't say that it has been a good week in running, as I still have my long run to go, but actually, it has :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Guess Last Week Was A 'Down' Week

... Since I only ran 5.5 miles. I had two good runs though. The first
run was good last week. On Sunday, my Number 1 Son and I ran to his
Cub Scout meeting (and then we ran back home). On Tuesday, while on
business travel, I ran a bit with a co-worker. That was nice. But that
was it. The rest of then week? Nada.

This week, a little better. Already ran 9 miles, with a long run
coming tomorrow. More news then!

Sent from my mobile device

Saturday, March 20, 2010

No Half Marathon....

Yesterday, I decided not to pick up my registration for the National (Half) Marathon.  Things were pretty busy at work and at home, plus, last night was busy for Cub Scouts.  Since there was so much going on, plus since this race wasn't one I was really training for, I decided to back out.. So, races this year: 0. :)

I did run at Burke Lake this morning.  I had intended to run 13.5 miles, but ended up running only 9.  However, I ran the first 'lap' in my Vibram shoes, and the second lap in my normal shoes. Boy, quite the contrast.  First of all, I felt every rock on the path, and some are quite large.  I also realized that I paid very close attention to where I was landing my feet in my Vibram shoes because a root or a large rock hurt my feet.  Even the small gravel made an impact, so to speak.  However, my average for the first lap was.. (get this): 8:48.  My body seems to gravitate to this number, as I had two runs last week (6.8 and 12) with the exact same pace.

On the second lap, since I decided way early that it was going to be my last lap, I decided to fartlek, or tempo, or something on the course to shake things up (also helped justify losing a lap). As a result, my pace was an 8:12 for 4.5 miles (after running an initial 4.5 miles).  So I was happy with that.  I wasn't too tired at the end, so that's good as well :)  Just to be complete, mile 3 (or mile 8.5) was a 7:43 mile.

Have a good run!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Grand Unveiling

I know all of you have been as anxious as teenage girls before opening night of a Twilight movie while waiting to see what kind of shoes I purchased (well, as least *I* was).  Well, the wait is over.  Yesterday, in the mail, I received my Vibram Five Fingers KSOs:

I put them on as soon as I got home, tried them out on the treadmill, and think they will do just fine, thank you very much.

They fit pretty much like a sock (with toes).  I originally tried some on at Hudson Trail Outfiitters, and it took me several minutes to get all five toes in the right holes in the shoes (at one point, I had toes in the wrong holes, two toes in the same hole, and every combination you can think of.  At times, I have a very sad existence).  Well, at home, trying on my Five Fingers on for the first time, I had the same issue.

How do they feel? great.  They feel fine walking around, and I like the fact that I can *feel* the ground when I walk.  How do they feel running? Well, good!  Today I ran a total of two miles (I thought it would sound longer if I spelled it out, rather than typing '2') at a 9:43 pace.  I didn't intend to run that slow, I just did.  I'm getting used to landing on my forefoot and I'm taking noticeably shorter strides, so it'll take a while before I can run more than 3-4 miles in them, and I'm sure that I'll be slow in them as well. I remember that when I started running in my Nike Free's, I couldn't do more than 3 or so miles at first.  And running in 3 in those Nike Free shoes felt like running 6 in normal running shoes, due to the extra support your actual legs and feet need to provide in your running (rather than your running shoes).  I'm feeling the same here with the Five Fingers (fans call the Vibram Five Fingers the 'VFF' -- I don't think I'm there yet).  I felt my feet engaging in my run, and landing on my forefoot adds stress to my tendons, but I think that's a good thing (once they build up strength).  As long as I increase my miles very very gradually with these Vibram shoes, I should be okay.  If I took off and ran a 10 miler in these shoes, well, my feet wouldn't feel so great.

The other think I was worried about (well, worried is a strong word, concerned? fretful?) was how to tell others who I am and who to contact after a car knocks me off the road without my handy-dandy Road Id.  I use a Road Id on my normal running shoes, as they attach to my laces.  Well, with the Vibram's, no laces. I then remembered that I embraced the concept of Road Id way before they got all the nifty devices (wrist bands, shoe bands, ankle bands, interactive bands, etc.) and I still have the original 'Fixx' necklace (it looks like a dog tag). The hardest part about the Fixx is remembering to put it on. That's why I got the shoe Id in the first place. (as you all know, the Fixx was named after Jim Fixx, a popular runner and author who helped start the 2nd running revolution in the 1970's).

All of you who run, get a Road Id.  Seriously.  Especially out in this area, there's lots of traffic, and if you run early morning, when drivers are mostly just focusing on getting to work, they may not see you.  If you are unconscious lying on the side of the road, the Road Id will tell the first responders who you are, emergency contact info, as well as any drug allergies you may have.  Oh, and your blood type.  Get it.

Anyway, the great wait is over.  Keep on running!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Comments and Runs

So after my post yesterday saying that gosh, there's *no* way that pain on my bottom of my heel could be plantar fasciitis, one of my friends comment in facebook, that (and I'm paraphrasing here) 'hate to break the news, but *yes* the pain could certainly be plantar fasciitis, geesh' (maybe I added the 'geesh').  Huh.. she's right.  I always thought it was 'old man' pain -- something I got when I woke up and hobbled around the house until it went away.  Now that I think about it, it only happened when I increased my mileage, or increased by speed, or just trained in general :-)

So maybe I have it.  On the other hand, I've had it for a long time (I think).  It only happens after waking up, and after I've been sitting for awhile (mostly after I drive to work on days when I ran that morning).  But it goes away, and in the afternoon or evening, don't even feel it (unless I run then).  I'll have to keep an eye on it (plus, keep up with my stretching, which I'm not very habitual about).

I did run this morning. A nice, easy (9:13 pace), 3 miler wearing my Nike Free's.  Plus, the duct tape helped.  About a year ago, the heel fabric split along a seam.  At first, it didn't really seem to do anything bad.  However, this year, very noticeable now that there's a lot of dirt and sand on the roads due to the snow, every time I wore them I would get a pile of sand inside the shoe with the split seam in the heel.  So, after applying some very sticky duct tape to seal the seam, and voila! no more sand in my shoes.  I have a feeling that the duct tape is a fairly short term fix, but then again, I really don't feel like purchasing another pair of Nike Free's, nor anything made by Nike (click here for why).

Tomorrow, I should run.  Saturday, the National (Half) Marathon.  Metro opens at 5:00 am.. Working backwards to figure out what time I need to wake up to get ready and be at the metro at 5:00 am makes me think that I'll be getting up just as some late night party-goers will just be getting home... oy.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So Here are the Hills....

I realized that my long runs and medium runs lately have been on relatively flat surfaces.  Why do I say that? because today I ran a hilly course, and I could not, for the life of me, get any real speed.  Plus, I was huffing and puffing all the way through.

Today I ran to Fairfax Corner (via Safeway).  I figured I hadn't run that course in awhile and wanted to do 6.  Well, I did it.  But boy, were there some hills involved! I managed to get under a 9 minute mile, but just.  I did an 8:57.  With this amount of effort on a flat course, I would have hit 8:40 or below. (I'm actually wondering if my lofty goal of an 8:48 for the National (Half) Marathon is too lofty, as it is not a flat course...)  Anyway, at the end of the run, I wasn't in pain, although the bottom of my heel as a little sore (I'm not sure that this is plantor fasciitis or not, as the pain is squarely on the bottom on my heel, rather than closer to the arch.  Also, it doesn't seem like my Achilles because, again, it's squarely on the bottom on my heel.  I wonder if it's just sore...) Once I walked around a bit, it was fine.

Plus, at work, I didn't get the sore feeling after sitting for a long time. So that's good.

Tomorrow? not sure.  Hopefully an easy 3.

Rock On, Lenny! (now tell me where that line is from!)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Got it in under the wire

Well, what should have been the first run in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) turned out to be.. well, not so much.  I woke up overnight with a super stomach-ache, and didn't sleep well the rest of night.  There was no way I was going to wake up at 4:30 am to run 6 miles.  Nor at 5:00 am, nor at 6:00 am. When I finally got up, I was dragging a bit, so stayed home to work.

However, around noon, I started perking around 5 pm, I went out to do my 6 miles.  Now, with Daylight Savings Time, it gets darker later, so I was able to take advantage of that (so that I am a fan of DST, I'm not.  It should go away. But this is another post...).  Anyway, I ran 6.03 at an 8:40 pace; however, I was huffing and puffing it at 4 miles to do so.  Around that time, I was trucking along pretty well, and sure enough, I was getting very tired.  However, I wanted to keep a good pace, so I pushed on through.  Now, tomorrow, I may feel it, but right now, it was a good run.

Now, I don't get any a lot of comments on my blog page (although I get a few in Facebook), but of the ones, I get, most are in Chinese.  I haven't done much research on this, but I think there's some spammers out there who want you or me to click on their comments, because some of the link you can hit are.. well.. semi-adult in nature.  They aren't too bad but are just... odd...  This is a translation (through Babelfish) of my most recent comment:
Bustles about one day crossed finally, has a look at the article transformation mood, also helps you to add oil oh ~
Yeah, I don't get it either....

Well, the National (Half) Marathon is only days away now.  Just gotta figure out logistics.  I have to pick up my race packet on Friday waaaaay-a-ways in downtown Washington DC.  Plus, I have a Cub Scout event Friday night, so I need to take time off of work... sigh....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

And Another Thing...

A couple of points I forgot to mention this morning...

1) I've been following some other blogs, and thought I'd share one post that I thought was hilarious.  This is from the blog: I Am Boring, a.. you guessed it, running blog (among other things).  In this post, Adam laments that he's doing some long runs on a treadmill, but at the gym, it auto-shuts-off at 60 minutes.  So he lists things that should exempt you from the 60-minute time limit -- or, in other words (mine) -- what makes you a longer-distance runner versus a shorter-distance runner:  I can add to that list as well, as I'm sure all of you can.

2) Did I mention that it was raining this morning? Man, with the 30-mph wind, at times, the rain was pelting me in the face, and it stung.  Reminded me of a Gatorade ad I saw in Runners World once.  Anyway, ouch.  I was soaking wet at the end, and I think I got a 'hot spot' -- where a blister was able to form, on the bottom on my foot, because there was a lot of slipping and sliding in my wet shoes... Poor me :)

More and More Running Posts Here

Since the last post, I have run twice, once for 6.8 miles and once for 12.05 miles, rounding out my week to 28 miles.  

First, the runs.  On Thursday, I intended to run 6 miles, but cross two major roads to get to another neighborhood.  On the way back, I decided to take an alternative to avoid the two roads (seems that early morning rush hour traffic doesn't really pay attention to runners), so that added .8 miles to my run.  My run felt good and did an 8:48 pace.  This morning, I took the same route, but extended it, to run towards the Church we go to.  No need to take an alternative back, as traffic on these roads is significantly less on weekends.  I ran 12.05 miles at an... hmm.. 8:48 pace -- exactly the same pace as Thursday.  That's weird.

I meant to run yesterday -- an easy 4 -- but couldn't rouse myself out of bed early enough.  So, I didn't get my 30 miles in this week (2 miles short).  Next week is the National (Half) Marathon, but considering I haven't really been training for it, I consider it a training run in itself.  Goal?  Hmm... I've been thinking about that (mostly while running).  Let's say: 13.1 miles at an 8:48 pace.  I think I can do that, although if the course if like what it was 2 years ago, its rather hilly in spots.

Well, I decided on what shoes I'm going to get (I know all of you out there are on pins on needles on this).  Well, you are going to have to wait a bit longer, as although I ordered them, they'll take a few days to get here.  Oh, don't worry, I'll have pictures and autographs available when I unveil them. :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shoes and Running

Tonight, I managed to squeeze a run in... When I got home, I put on my Nike Free's (more on this below) and tried to run properly (not landing on my heels) for 3.something miles.  Now, I managed to hold about an 8:30 pace, which was totally unexpected, so I was happy about that.  Running more 'barefoot-like' adds more stress to my calves, but less on my bones, so although I need to stretch tonight, my knees and ankles didn't hurt.  Of course, running only 3 helped as well :)

Now, the shoes.... I mentioned before my going back and forth on getting more 'stability' shoes, or motion-control shoes, versus getting shoes that offer little stability.  I will probably end up getting Asics 2100 series shoes, but part of me wants to get the Vibram Five Fingers.  They look rather silly, but they seem to have a following.  For what they do, are are probably really good.  There's several styles available, from the 'classic' -- the first one they made, to others, which include the KSO (Keep Stuff Out) as well as a 'water' one, and one that works better in cold weather.  Now, barefoot running, or at least minimalist running, has gotten a lot of press, by fans, books, and even major running magazines.  I do believe that running shoes, by their very nature, shield the foot -- too well.  I think I read in a book that running shoes are like neck braces.  They work so well that the muscles become weak.  Also, since running shoes weren't invented until 1920 or so, but we've been running (well, 'we' as in humans, not 'we' as in you and me, or at least not me) for much longer than that, our bodies must know something.  Hence, running in shoes that don't offer much stability.  There was even a Harvard study that showed that running barefoot-style (landing on forefoot or midfoot) showed several times less impact than landing on your heel.

So... I might get something less than stability shoes, but since my legs and feet have been in 'neck braces' for years (figuratively, not literally), I shouldn't just jump with both feet (get it?), but need to work my way to it.  Therefore, getting the Asics 2100 series shoes (as one pair of my current shoes has 700 miles on them), and then, maybe something else.. Vibram Five Fingers???

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Route

During my run with My Lovely Wife last week, we found a path that we (or at least I) hadn't seen before.  So, today, I tried it.  Wasn't too long, so ended up running along busy road to make my distance (there *was* a path, so I wasn't running on the road though). Today I ran 6.  This is in my quest to get some mileage in before the National (Half) Marathon on March 20.  If I get a couple runs of 6 miles in, plus a couple runs of 4, plus a long run of 10+ this week, that'll be good.  My legs were pretty tired today though. I ran a pretty good pace (9:01), good considering that I had to stop a couple of times to get my bearings, as this was a new route, and it was quite dark outside.  Will I do that course again? Not sure.  Maybe when it's light out, as I do run along a path for much of the distance and it would be good to be able to see the scenery.

Tomorrow? Let's hope for 4.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Not a Bad Week

29.32 miles.  Not too bad. The last time I hit this mileage was way back at the last week of December, first week of January.  I was trying to hit 900 miles (I think) for the year, so I poured it on at the last part of December. So, over 2 months since I hit this mileage...

Why? well, it seems that I'm signed up for the National (Half) Marathon in a few weeks (March 20 to be exact).  I want to make sure that I can do the distance.  Now, today, I ran 10 miles at a sub-9 pace, I know I can *finish* the race, so that's good.  However, I want to make sure that the distance isn't too much.  I think I'm in good shape, but I'll have next week to get a long run in as well (10? 12? dunno).

So... shoes... I currently run in two pairs of shoes (not at the same time).  Adidas Adistars (700 miles), and New Balance 768 (300 miles).  Now, I love the Adidas, but they are *way* past due for replacements.  The New Balance, I don't love as much, however, they offer less support (which is what I'm looking for), so that's good.  What am I going to replace the Adidas with?  The doctor and physical therapoists all say to replace with motion control / stability shoes, and I understand why, but part of me believes that running in shoes that offer so much stability reduce the need for strong lower leg and foot muscles, which makes me more prone to injury.  The opposite end of this is running barefoot (something I've considered) or running in shoes that offer pretty much zero stability. The Vibram Five Fingers are basically feet coverings that prevent rocks and glass from poking your feet, but that's all the protection they offer.  What to do, what to do.... 

Stay tuned for more on this incredible saga!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Cruizin' Along....

So it's Friday now.. Got 19 miles in the bank.. wow.  Last week I had 9 miles total for the week, and the week before that, 4.55 miles.  Previous week? 23 miles.  So maybe this week will be good.  Scratch that.. this week *is* good!

Ran 3.something last night.  Decided to run to the Cub Scout Leader meeting (hope my apparel and odor wasn't too bad for them!).  Was going to try to complete 4 or 5, but was too tired so just went back home.  This morning (okay, late morning), I ran with My Lovely Wife.  This week at work was pretty tough so I decided to work at home today.  I took a long lunch and run 5 miles with her.  The sun was out, the temps were in the upper 30's (or maybe even lower 40's!) but there was a pretty stiff wind.  Even so, it was a great job.

So far this week, no pain (well, only a little pain in my foot, and maybe the beginnings of plantar fasciitis (had to look up that spelling).  I read on WebMD that I should rest for treat plantar fasciitis. HA.  Never.  Of course, that attitude is what brought me to the physical therapist in the first place.  On the other hand, I have 670 miles in one pair of shoes, and 300 in the other pair, so maybe a new pair of shoes are in order.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Two Whole Runs This Week!

Wow, whatta post title! Two whole Runs! :)  Well, I ran 6 today.  I'm trying to ramp up a little, as apparently, I'm still signed up for the National (Half) Marathon on March 20.  So I suppose I gotta start keep training.  I've run 10 miles a couple weeks ago, so I think I can finish the race.  However, it'd be good to get double-digits again a few times before the race (in 2.5 weeks) so that the length will be comfortable.

I ran in sub-9 again this morning -- 8:44 to be precise.  The speed felt fine, and I was refreshed at the end of the run, so that's good.  It is also helping that I'm not running every day (but should be running every other day).  I still consider that I'm in 'winter training', so I'm not ramping it up (too much), but... with the 1/2 marathon a couple weeks away, I should consider ramping it up a little....

I need to stretch.  After physical therapy, my runs felt great.  Now my lower legs are a little tight and sore.  There's no excuse on this week.  I know that stretching really does help (and there's actual proof) but after the run, I'm busy getting ready for work.  I should try to spend 10 or so minutes stretching, particularly my calves and ankles, so that I don't start with injuries.

I'm also debating on the kind of shoes I should get next -- more support, or less support? Anyone have any thoughts?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Exercise = Danger from Zombies

Okay, a bit of an extrapolation, but you'll see where I'm headed here...  I'm on my into work, I was listening a story on NPR's Morning Edition about how an aging bran is less quick, but more shrewd (story here: One of the subpoints was that exercise improves memory. In a study, with people working out three days a week, up to an hour at a time, for a 6-month to 1-year period, people who exercised improved both short term and long term memory. 

Specifically, those who trained had a larger hippocampi (see picture!), the brain area key for memory.

I am further extrapolating this (and no, this isn't in the NPR article).  If you have a larger hippocampi, then your brain size overall is larger, right?  If you have a larger brain, that would mean that you would become more attractive to zombies, who, as we all know, want your brains.
So, if you are more fit, zombies want you more.  However, you will also be able to run away from them faster, so it's a win-win situation (well, except for the zombies.  But we want them to lose anyway).

Trying to Find my Pace

Today I ran -- finally.  The last run I did was last Wednesday, and I had to fly all the way to O'Fallon, IL to do it.  I had hopes for last Friday, and then again on the weekend.  But work and life just kept me from it.  Anyway, that's really no excuse....

I ran 4.77 miles at a 9:06 pace.  Most of my miles were sub 9, but there was one mile that still had a lot of ice and snow on it (I'm a so tired of getting snow in my shoes) and really kept me slow.  I had to hop from snow hole to snow hole, and run gingerly on the recently frozen ice where the snow/ice had been melting the day before.   The run felt fine, no pain, but I have this cold that just won't quit.  Normally, 2-4 days is max for a cold.  I"m on day 4 and my cough is still aggravating.  I'm hoping that running will move things along a bit, or least help me clear my head (literally! -- good thing for the Farmer Blow!).

This week? I hope I run regularly :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Good (But Cold) Day

Well, today was a good day, although a bit chilly. If you read my last post, you know that my goal this week, or at least the past couple of days, was to run while on travel. Yesterday I ran 4.5 at an 8:39 pace, and this morning I ran 4.6 miles at an 8:42 (or something) pace. So, I'm very glad about that.

Now, it was 20 degrees this morning, with a wind chill of 6. That's s-i-x. 6. Now, normally, when I'm at home, when running in this temp, I wear more clothes than I ran in today. I would have worn a vest and mittens. Well, given that I'm packing my running clothes, I pack as light as possible (that's why I prefer summer running while on travel). So, no vest and no mittens.

On my run, I was *mostly* fine, except for my face. The last two miles I was running into the wind. In the last mile, my face got numb (that's one notch past just hurting). I was a little afraid of frostbite, but didn't need to worry. However, I didn't like the numb face :-)

Also, and this was weird, my arms got really creaky. I had to stretch them several times during the last mile. I wonder if I need to get a winter running jacket to replace my vest, although I really don't want to.

Anyway, hurray (sp?) for me.

John Yagerline
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Creaky Old Man

Well, I *finally* ran again today.  It had been 7 days since my last run and I made up my mind to run again this week while I am on travel (again).  Last week, I had packed my running gear in my bag, which took up much of the space, by the way, carried it all the way to St. Louis, put it in my hotel dresser, and then, packed it back in my bag and carry all the way home.  It wasn't really what I had in mind.  

This week, packed my running gear in my bag, which took up much of the space, carried it all the way to St. Louis, put it in my hotel dresser... However, as a break from last week, I actually took it out this morning (and not just to admire it), put it on (did I tell you that it was 26 degrees, with a 14 degree wind chill outside this morning?) and ran for 4.58 miles (or so), at a 8:39 pace (very fast).  My knees and left ankle were a little creaky (hence the post title...) but I ran (yay for me).  I took a usual route from my hotel, through a neighborhood, into the historic section of town (of O'Fallon), and turned around.  Sorta a boring run, but the really cool runs in this area are not close to the hotel...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What happened?

Okay, I had such high hopes for this week. But I didn't run Sunday or
monday. I ran on Tuesday, but zilch for Wednesday and Thursday

I was on business travel Wednesday and Thursday and didn't run at all
(although I packed everything I needed). Last Fall I actually did my
best running while on travel. Lately (at least the past two trips),


Bummed out.

Sent from my mobile device

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Unassuming Run

This morning I ran 4.5 in an icy goodness. I wanted to run yesterday,
but obviously not enough to actually get up and out the door!

Today was pretty good. It was a bit icy out, but not too bad. I am
still running (mostly) in my neighborhood, but ventured to the next
this morning. Most of the connecting roads are still non-runnable, but
the one near the hospital was okay. The neighboring streets were in
terrible shape. I had to run on top of 3 inches of ice with just a
narrow gap that was mostly down to pavement where tire treads were.

I kept it slow (9:12 pace) and once I got a mile in, it felt alright.

Tomorrow I'll be in O'Fallon again, so we'll see if I can get up
enough gumption to get outside.

Sent from my mobile device

Saturday, February 13, 2010

What's Another Title for Icy Run?

I'm running out of snazzy ways of saying that it's snowy and icy outside, but I ran anyway.  This morning I ran in a different neighborhood (finally got out of mine!) and thought just how lucky we are in my neighborhood that our roads were plowed (well, at least the main ones).  In this neighborhood, there was a layer of icy about 4 inches deep, with deep ruts in it, making it hard, even with shoes with screws, to dig in and get traction.  After the ruts went away, however, I was running on an uneven surface, but relatively flat, which was just fine.  Once I got out of that neighborhood though, I was back on pavement with occasional ice.

I did 10 miles today, at a 9:12 pace.  Overall, it was a good run, but I need to get my mileage up.  I was 'done' at 4 miles, but after 6, it got better.  I need to get my daily runs above 4 miles to see some sort of improvement in my endurance, I think.  However, 23 miles was pretty good this week, and, with only 4 runs, that's not too bad.  Hopefully, the ice will (eventually) melt and I'll be able to take to the paths again, so that I can begin my 6 mile runs.

Weather? You guessed it.  Cold, snowy, and icy.  It was 26 degrees this morning, with a wind chill of 15.  However, knowing that I was going out for a while, I under-dressed (well, I *did* wear some clothes).  But no warm hat, and no vest.  My ears were freezing for a couple of miles, but eventually warmed up.  Once I got back, I went back outside for (wait for it).. shoveling (again?) and realized that 26 degrees with a windc chill of 15 is actually kinda cold if you weren't warmed up from running for 3 miles.

Don't think I can run tomorrow, but I *may* go ice skating, so my legs will be exhausted anyway...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Weather Outside is Frightful...

let it snow, let it snow, let it snow..... NOT.  Let's hope it's over for awhile.  Well, Washington DC broke the record for snowfall in a single season.  55.6 inches this season.  *And* they measure in a place where they don't have a lot of snow.  National (Reagan) Airport (the official measuring place) got 17.1 inches of snow last weekend, whereas I got 24 inches of snow in the same time period.  Anyway, a record is a record... :)

Today, I fought through 4.5 miles in icy/slushy/snowy mix.  In some parts, it felt like I was running in sand.  I felt sluggish and slow.  Plus it was blowing around 20 mph, so it felt a little cold as well (although it was a balmy 29 degrees).  Still, I guess I overdressed, because I didn't feel that cold, even with the wind in my face.  It felt refreshing, actually (except for the actual running part -- that felt terrible). So, not a good run, but better than not running at all, I guess.  I am getting tired of running in my neighborhood, but it'll take a week or two for the snow to melt off the paths so that I can run elsewhere.  With the reduced driving lanes, I'm also being extra cautious on the roads, because the drivers are having trouble just going down the road; they don't need some upstart pedestrian getting in their way :)

Still, no running record for sure, but 3 runs this week, with a possible 2 runs to go this week (although not likely).

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Single Digits...

Hoo... single digits this morning. 8 degrees.  The good thing was that there was no wind.  That would have been bad.  Otherwise, except for the ice patches on the dry surface (it should be reverse that -- dry patches on the ice surface), the run was, in the end, good.  Why in the end? Because halfway through the run, I was beat! I was huffing and puffing through the run, and it wasn't until the end when I realized that I held a pretty good pace -- for ice -- of 9:05, and indeed, as I ran in my own neighborhood, it was on one of the hilliest courses around.  I guess I was so focused on a) not falling, and b) finding dry patches in the ice, that I forgot where I was running.

8 degrees.... it really wasn't so bad.  In fact, I took off my mittons and unzipped my vest in the middle of my run as it was getting hot.

Hmmm... worried about running tomorrow though.  The roads are still really bad from the previous storm, and there's another storm coming today.  Somewhere between 5-20 inches, depending on where you live.  Since we live just a touch south of the main part of the storm, we should (hope) to be in the 5 inch range.  But, no school last Friday, no school this Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and who knows about Thursday and Friday.  Plus, the Federal Government was closed yesterday (Monday) AND today (Tuesday).  Serious stuff.

Oh, you want to know the secret to running on icy streets? Get out before the sun does.  If it's below freezing out, the ice will have frozen solid.  The sun will start to melt the top layer (even if its below freezing), so if you get out before dawn, the run will be less slick. That's your running tip of the day! :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

(Another) Snow Day

In my last post, I was almost challenging Mother Nature to snow on us.  For that, I am sorry.  What started out as a no-accumulation snow turned into the 4th heaviest snow in Washington DC's history.  We got somewhere between 23-28 inches in my neighborhood (with the snow drifts, it was hard to tell).  I spent a good 6 hours shoveling on Saturday and was going to go for a fun Saturday late afternoon when I saw my neighbor shoveling her driveway all by herself.  I couldn't stand to run past her while she was shoveling, so I spent another 45 minutes helping her out.  At the end of that, it was too late to run, so... 

Sunday am, 8:00 am, 16 degrees, snow/icy.  Great day for a run (no, seriously).  Saturday night I replaced a couple of screws in my shoes (they were wearing down) and added some as well, and so by Sunday I was ready to go out for a 4.5 mile run in around my surrounding neighborhoods.  Now, I guess I was lucky to get my street (mostly) plowed, 'cause there were lots that weren't!  Wow.  It's gonna take days to get it cleared out, but unfortunately, we don't have days before the next snow is supposed to hit our area.

Anyway, the run was great.  More slippery than usual, and I slipped a few times, but never fell.  I saw that major roads were still under snow, and many streets in my neighborhood never saw a plow.  It was crisp and clean outside (and quite sunny!) and it was a pleasure to run. I felt great.

Oh, to end the story, another 4 hours of shoveling on Sunday and no run today (I am too achy).a

Friday, February 5, 2010

Pre-Snow Long Run

Rumors of doom abound with the Great Blizzard of February 2010 here on the East Coast.  In preparation, basically everything closed before the first snow flake fell.  There were/are a lot of expectations of this snow, but about 5 hours after the first flake was seen, I'm umimpressed.  However, ask me again tonight, or tomorrow morning, or tomorrow afternoon when the snow is still supposed to be falling....

However, in anticipation of record snowfalls (forecasting 18-24 inches), I did my long run today (Friday) instead of tomorrow (Saturday).  I wore my shoes with screws (again) and went on the W&OD trail.  I was getting tired of running on my local side streets, and the other paths were very choppy with ice.  Of course, so was the W&OD, but it was fun nonetheless.  I did an out and back for 10 miles at a 9:11 pace, which included a walk for 2-3 minutes at the half-way to eat a GU and walk up a steep part of the trail.  I had no pain in my feet nor my knees, although I felt my hip flexors at about mile 8, but that was probably because I was at mile 8 (double my longest run in over a week).

There was a lot of ice in spots and clear sailing in others. I only slipped when I was on hard ice (with no snow around it) -- and my slipping, I mean a short slide of less than one inch on the ice (no falling involved).  I think the screws are wearing down on my shoes, particularly on the heel.  Upon post-run inspection, I noticed that the screws in my heels are pretty rounded, with no sharp corners.  When I can make it back out to Home Depot, I'll buy some more screws.  I do say, I'm putting a lot of new miles on my old shoes, and I expect to take another pair of old running shoes and modify them to run on snow/ice next winter (I do think that the excess pressure where the screws are are breaking down the rubber faster in those isolated areas).

Keep your run on!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Slogging in Snow

Well, another snow in our area last night.  3-6 inches, schools closed.  Once again a run in my shoes with screws (sorry, I haven't figured out a better way to reference these shows.  'screw shoes' sounds weird...)  VDOT has really picked it up the past few snows.  The first snow of the season, eh, not so good.  But last night's snow, and the snow we had the past weekend, they really did a great job.  My subdivision was pretty clear this morning (down to a nice 'ice' level).  However, the sidewalks (not VDOT's jurisdiction), not at all (why don't the neighbors shovel their walk by 6:00 am?, oh wait, I didn't either!)

I really wanted to run in the snow again.  I had a great time last Saturday, and since I didn't run Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday (oy!) I had to run today.  The first 1.3 miles were on the side streets, which some ice (the screws helped here) plus a lot of slush. Then, I had to run on the side path.  This had last night's snow on it, plus last weekend's snow on it, so I ended up running in fairly deep snow.  My feet would sink in and they *almost* got out of the snow as I lifted up to take the next step.  The end result was a lot of drag in my run.  I went from a 9:10 pace to a 10:30 pace in no time flat.  Plus, I was huffing and puffing within a 1/4 mile of running in the snow.  

About a mile of this, I turned into the hospital parking lot (if anything is plowed, you can count on the hospital, streets *and* sidewalks!) to shake the snow off of my shoes and legs (and bare skin! -- see Note below).  I ran there until I picked up my normal course, and then ran the one mile back home.  So, of the 4.2 miles today, 3.2 was on a street of some sort, and 1 mile was in snow. 

All in all, I would compare this to running on a trail (cushioning, uneven surface), except that there were no hills to speak of.  Plus, with the snow in the trees, it was quite a sight.

Note: when I remember, I slip on some gaiters that I usually reserve for my trail shoes (to keep rocks and things out of my shoes).  They aren't waterproof, but they do a good job keeping large pieces of snow from getting in my shoes.  I forgot them today.  However, they are very reasonably priced, and I highly recommend them.  Check out this site (no, really!): I have the camo ones, but since they are shiny, they are a little girly....

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Run / Two-A-Day

So, I managed to run two times today!  That makes a total of.. uh... two times this week.  Overall, 7 miles in a single week is not much, but at least I got two runs in today to round out the week.

This morning, I ran an easy/medium 4 miles.  I caught the run early before the snow.  I felt creaky and I felt both knees for the first two miles, but after that, I felt fine.  I chalk up the creakiness to the fact that it was the first time I had run in 8 days.

Then, the snow started.  It has pounded the East Coast, with a lot of snow down south, which is unusual.  There was more snow in Richmond today than in Fairfax.  Anyway, around 5:00 pm, I decided to run in the snow.  I used my trusty ol' shoes with screws in them, and managed to get out while the flakes were still falling. I ran an easy 3 miles, mostly easy because the snow was still fresh on the roads.  It wasn't well packed and every time I ran up a hill, I lost a lot of traction.  My pace dropped to 10-11 min/miles up hills although my effort was in the 8:30-9:00 min/mile range.  Down hills was pretty good.  The screws kept me stable, and I wasn't worried about falling.  This run felt wonderful.  I loved running in the snow, and although my overall pace wasn't great (9:22, versus 9:06 this morning), I am really glad I got to run twice today.

Now tomorrow? Hmm... I would love to run again, but the snow shovel is calling.  I saw a lot of people who had shoveled today, but since the snow fell pretty much all day, and since the snow wasn't a wet snow, I think I could plow it off the driveway (versus actual shoveling), so time is on my side.  If I shovel tomorrow morning, no run.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Stress begets a run

Okay, around 3:30 am I woke up.  I tried to go back to sleep, but to no avail. So, at 4:00 am (ok, 4:06) I rose out of bed to see if the 'icy/wintery mix' had come through.  Since it was still 34 degrees, and not glazed over outside, a run was in order (those of you who track my blog are now thinking 'but John... don't you have those snazzy shoes with the screws in them for just such an event?  I mean, those screws weren't free you know, you need to get your money's worth!', well, yes, I thought that too, so even with an icy glaze, I think I would have gone running).

5 miles later, I felt less stressed (oh, why was I stressed? family member ill? something wrong at work? nooo... Cub Scout Pinewood Derby, of all things... sheesh!).  Lately, I have been pushing the pace a bit, trying to keep all my runs under a 9:00 min/mile pace.  Today was no exception.  I believe it was an 8:44.  Now, with all of 3 runs this week, it's nothing to write home about (but apparently, enough to write a blog entry about), but we'll see about tomorrow.  Tonight we are setting up the aforementioned Pinewood Derby and yours truly is MC'ing tomorrow (and will be wondering if the glue is going to hold -- the wheels (that is, the piece of wood I accidentally broke off while adjusting a wheel) as well as the weights... I'm not too sure about it!).

Maybe if I get up again early tomorrow, I can squeeze in 8-10.. That's asking alot right now though....