Monday, March 15, 2010

Got it in under the wire

Well, what should have been the first run in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) turned out to be.. well, not so much.  I woke up overnight with a super stomach-ache, and didn't sleep well the rest of night.  There was no way I was going to wake up at 4:30 am to run 6 miles.  Nor at 5:00 am, nor at 6:00 am. When I finally got up, I was dragging a bit, so stayed home to work.

However, around noon, I started perking around 5 pm, I went out to do my 6 miles.  Now, with Daylight Savings Time, it gets darker later, so I was able to take advantage of that (so that I am a fan of DST, I'm not.  It should go away. But this is another post...).  Anyway, I ran 6.03 at an 8:40 pace; however, I was huffing and puffing it at 4 miles to do so.  Around that time, I was trucking along pretty well, and sure enough, I was getting very tired.  However, I wanted to keep a good pace, so I pushed on through.  Now, tomorrow, I may feel it, but right now, it was a good run.

Now, I don't get any a lot of comments on my blog page (although I get a few in Facebook), but of the ones, I get, most are in Chinese.  I haven't done much research on this, but I think there's some spammers out there who want you or me to click on their comments, because some of the link you can hit are.. well.. semi-adult in nature.  They aren't too bad but are just... odd...  This is a translation (through Babelfish) of my most recent comment:
Bustles about one day crossed finally, has a look at the article transformation mood, also helps you to add oil oh ~
Yeah, I don't get it either....

Well, the National (Half) Marathon is only days away now.  Just gotta figure out logistics.  I have to pick up my race packet on Friday waaaaay-a-ways in downtown Washington DC.  Plus, I have a Cub Scout event Friday night, so I need to take time off of work... sigh....

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