Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Run / Two-A-Day

So, I managed to run two times today!  That makes a total of.. uh... two times this week.  Overall, 7 miles in a single week is not much, but at least I got two runs in today to round out the week.

This morning, I ran an easy/medium 4 miles.  I caught the run early before the snow.  I felt creaky and I felt both knees for the first two miles, but after that, I felt fine.  I chalk up the creakiness to the fact that it was the first time I had run in 8 days.

Then, the snow started.  It has pounded the East Coast, with a lot of snow down south, which is unusual.  There was more snow in Richmond today than in Fairfax.  Anyway, around 5:00 pm, I decided to run in the snow.  I used my trusty ol' shoes with screws in them, and managed to get out while the flakes were still falling. I ran an easy 3 miles, mostly easy because the snow was still fresh on the roads.  It wasn't well packed and every time I ran up a hill, I lost a lot of traction.  My pace dropped to 10-11 min/miles up hills although my effort was in the 8:30-9:00 min/mile range.  Down hills was pretty good.  The screws kept me stable, and I wasn't worried about falling.  This run felt wonderful.  I loved running in the snow, and although my overall pace wasn't great (9:22, versus 9:06 this morning), I am really glad I got to run twice today.

Now tomorrow? Hmm... I would love to run again, but the snow shovel is calling.  I saw a lot of people who had shoveled today, but since the snow fell pretty much all day, and since the snow wasn't a wet snow, I think I could plow it off the driveway (versus actual shoveling), so time is on my side.  If I shovel tomorrow morning, no run.

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