Sunday, October 26, 2008

Goblin Gallop

We just finished our second Goblin Gallop 5K in Fairfax VA. It was beautiful weather, in the 40's at the start and not a cloud in the sky. There was a slight breeze, but it didn't affect us. We? Us? That would be me and my Number One Son. It's our second time running the race (my third) and it has become a tradition in our household. It's a good distance, and it's nearby. Plus, the weather usually cooperates (it would have been much different if we had the weather we had yesterday -- pretty much a steady downpour).

We started off with the pack doing about an 11:30 pace. We eased off at a 1/2 mile and at .8 miles, did a walking break. We ended up running about .5 - .6 miles at a stretch before walking a bit. Overall, our pace was 14:01, which is pretty good (I know it was faster than last year, but can't find my 2007 running log to verify!)

All in all, a good time had by all.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Singing in the Rain

Not quite singing, but running in the rain... I've always said I like running in the rain, but I almost never get to do it. Today, although it is October 25, I was able to run with shorts and a t-shirt. It was 51 degrees when I started (probably 51 when I finished as well). It was raining sorta lightly when I started, but at mile 4, the wind got cold. The run was still good, no pain, rained the whole time.

Overall, 7.02 miles today (8:50 pace), and 7.02 miles for the week (not a very good week).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Well, I ran!

Well, at least I ran today! This has been a pretty poor week, and with today's run (6 miles, 9:05 pace), I got to a whopping 13.3 miles. Not quite at my 22 mile goal though.

It was very chilly this morning. Fall is finally here. It was 45 degrees when I started, and probably 44 when I finished.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Evening Run

Well, to prevent a total of 4 miles across 4 days, I ran a couple miles this evening. I ended up running 3.32 miles on the short loop just outside of my neighborhood. I actually ran pretty fast! I did a 8:02 mile, so I was pretty happy about that.

I had run 1/2 mile with my Number One Son prior to that, so I was warmed up. When I started out, I apparently just took off, so at the quarter-mile mark, I decided to see how fast I could run the whole thing. So... here I am.

I have a total of 7 miles for 4 days, so I'm a little behind my goal of 22 miles for the week, but we'll see!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Easy (?) 4

I ran 4 miles yesterday evening. I took the day off, but got a late start in the morning. By the time I was ready to run, the family was up and about. That's not a bad thing, but I lost my running window.

In the late afternoon, I ran 1 mile with Number One Son (ran, jogged, walked). This was good, as I really enjoy it (so does my Son). Afterwards, as I was still dressed for running, I hopped on the treadmill to run 3. I didn't have time to stay outside and run 6, and I was happy to get any running in.

Treadmills and me still aren't great friends, and I kept the same a little on the light side to avoid any injuries. However, I kept the incline at 2% so that was good.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

World Wide Half

Okay, this morning I ran 13.35 miles in 2:00:42 as part of the Phedippidations World Wide Half. Overall, I was very happy with the results.

It was my longest run the Frederick Marathon (in May), so my body wasn't quite ready, but last week I had run 10, and although I'm not training for a race right now, I'm glad I was able to do the distance.

I started at 6:15 am EDT this morning (for those of you tracking that, I hope that I had the same start as someone else running the 1/2!) I was a quarter-mile in when I heard the 'start horn' from Podcast #158 of Phedippidations -- the World Wide Half Official Podcast. I heard cheers from the crowds, and then spent the next hour listening to other runners providing very encouraging thoughts and words as well as a good song from Black Lab.

The first 6 miles were very good. It was still a bit dark out, and the miles flew by. At mile 7, I veered off my planned course and then spent the next 6 miles trying to figure out how to use my current out and back runs together to make one big run. I managed to combine various parts of 5 other runs to make up the difference.

At mile 9 I realized that I wasn't quite ready for quite a long run and it took a little bit to get past my personal little 'wall'. At mile 11 I was feeling pretty good again, although my pace had dropped off.

The last mile felt very good. I had a sub-9 pace for that mile and my cardio felt very good (my legs, on the other hand, felt a little tired).

Now, 8 hours later, my legs are still a bit tired, and I walk a bit funny when I stand up, but I'm very happy I ran the World Wide Half today.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Okay, I've been hearing about the World Wide Festival of Races for quite some time on Phedippidations, as well as the Extra Mile Podcast for quite some time now (actually, I've heard about the Phedipidations World Wide Half for a couple of years, before they added a 10K to the Half and 5K and renamed it the Festival of Races). It always seemed intriguing and I've sorta wanted to sign up for it, but my training for other races always got in the way.

Well, since I'm not signed up for any races, and I had a weak moment (during work today), I signed up! Hmmm... is this a good idea?

Last week I ran 10 miles (see here) and it wasn't the brightest thing I have ever done. On the other hand, I wasn't any worse for wear. So.... hoping I don't come back eating crow, the next post you'll see is me telling you about my 13.1 mile run around the hills and dales of my home town.

See you tomorrow.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Another 4

Today I ran 4.4 miles (short neighboring neighborhood out and back).  I ran a 9:14 pace.  Not exactly the pace I wanted, but on the other hand, a) I ran; and b) it *was* an easy day.  No pain today (no pain for quite awhile!), but it was an easy pace :)

I'm working well towards my goal of 22 miles this week.  I'm hoping to get a good long run in on Saturday, but who knows. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Here's a test post from email. Hopefully it works.

Anyway, I ran 6 this morning, at a 9:04 pace. That's 12 this week,
towards my 22 mile/week goal. I felt fine (no pain), which is good.
However, I did feel sluggish. Also, not much motivation for first 2
miles. But, at mile 3, I felt okay. On the otherhand, with out and
back runs, its hard to short cut the run at halfway :-)

Sent from Gmail for mobile |

Monday, October 6, 2008


So I have a bit of a challenge for myself. Since I can't seem to sign up for a race (too busy, too tired, too out of shape, take your pick), I decided to try to get a jump start to my training by setting a goal -- run two weeks with at least 22 miles each week. If I can do that, I should be getting back into a rhythm. That said, I ran 6.06 miles this morning (at a 9:13 pace). My pace was a bit off (considering I ran 10 at a sub-9 on Saturday), but I did remember that the first run after a long run (for me) was a bit creaky. Plus, it is beginning to be a little cooler in the morning (it was 51 outside this morning). I had my cotton gloves on (as my hands were pretty cold last week -- for the first mile or so), but I didn't really need them. Although today's temp was a bit chilly, it didn't *feel* cold (no dampness, no wind, etc.).

Anyway, I'm off on my challenge!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Okay, I didn't follow the 10% rule (increasing mileage by no more than 10% a week), and I didn't follow my rule of long runs being less than 30% of my total weekly mileage, but I'm very happy I was able to run 10 miles today (10.04, 8:57 pace). At the end of the run, my cardio felt great. I wasn't tired -- well, my legs were a bit tired, and now, 6 hours later, I can feel my right hip flexor right now, but still, I'm very happy.

This run was over 50% of my total mileage, but last night, I got some motivation back. I was listening to some good running music and all of the sudden, I felt that I could do 10 today. Now, this morning, I could have easily let my motivation slide some, as I was tempted to go downstairs and turn on the tv. But I stepped it up and just left the house. It helped that was listening to an old Phedippidations podcast that I have fallen behind on. This podcast lasted only an hour or so, so I listened to another running podcast: The Extra Mile. This podcast seems pretty good as well. I'll have to keep sampling it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Two Runs

Okay, I did manage to run Tuesday evening.... My Lovely Wife convinced me that 2 miles on the treadmill would be a good thing (and it was). I kept the pace reasonable (remembering that the last time I ran on the treadmill, I injured myself) and ran for 2.00 miles.

This morning I ran a short loop (4.3 miles) at a 9:03 pace overall. Didn't feel too bad, although Fall is here (it was 47 degrees and breezy). I didn't really warm up until 1.3 miles into the run. The run felt pretty good, but my muscles are tight (wonder if it has anything to do with not running....)

Okay, 9.5 miles for the week. Hopefully I can break 10.