Saturday, April 17, 2010

Non-morning runs

Thursdays are a bit hectic, as my Number 1 Son has Flag Football practice at 5:30 pm.  It does for 1 1/2 hours. This week, I decided to use my time a bit more wisely than last week, and try to get a run in.  Now, I had never run in this particular neighborhood before, so it was an adventure in itself.  Plus, it was a little on the warm side (when you normally run at O'Dark-Thirty, any time with the sun is 'a little on the warm side').  I ended up doing 6 miles at a 8:59 pace.  The neighborhoods were great.  I ended up running through some very different parts, and it was obvious they different parts were built in many time time periods, all the way from the late 60's/early 70's to some being built right now.  The only bad part was that I was running during evening rush hour, so I had to wait several minutes at one light (today was one of the only times I stopped my watch during these long waits).

Friday? Lunch-time run.  I ran to the local REI store (3 miles one-way) to pick up a shirt and a nalgene bottle.  I then ran home.  The pace was a little slower, as I still felt sluggish from the day before, but I had a negative split. I also took a 15 minute break between runs, so on buckeyeoutdoors, I tracked it as 2 3-mile runs, versus 1 6-mile run.  My right plantar hurt after the run, and pretty much hurt all afternoon into the evening.  Today, due to a hectic schedule, but also due to my plantar, I decided to take a rest day.  Hopefully, I'll be able to run before church on Sunday, but only a short run to ease my way back to the week.

A few weeks ago, I received an Agion t-shirt in the mail by signing up here.  I have been meaning to write my review of it, but wanted a few good runs in first to really test the anti-stink power of the shirt.  Early reviews though.. it seems to work.  I wore the shirt three times (without washing) to really begin to test it.  I stank a little, but when compared to a shirt I wore two times** (again, without washing), whooooooeeeeoooo, there was a difference.  The older shirt (worn twice) was noticeable from several feet away, while I had to get up close and personal (actually holding the shirt up to my nose) on the Agion shirt.  Now, I normally won't walk up to somebody, grab a piece of their shirt, and hold it up to my nose -- well, normally, that is -- so, I guess the Agion shirt passed the first test.  Now, to test it after washing to see if anything of the magic components washed out.  I'll write more after more science experiments with the shirt.

** Note: I only wore the shirt two times without washing for science reasons.  No, I would never do that outside of laboratory conditions.. Well, mostly never.. that is, sometimes.. well, okay, often... happy?

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