Friday, May 21, 2010

New Distance for 5Fingers

Well, yesterday evening, I ran a new distance with my 5Fingers -- 6.29 miles.  I ran from Reston Town Center onto the W&OD trail after work -- something I can thank My Lovely Wife for, as she took care of dinner for the kids, allowing me to do the run after work.

I ran at an 8:53 pace, which was faster than my previous run in my regular running shoes, so I was happy about that.  However, at about mile 5 I started getting hot spots on the bottom of my feet.  At the end, I had blisters on my forefeet (close to my toes).  I'm sure that was totally due to the fact that I'm landing on my midfoot, and probably twisting the bottom of my foot on the ground before take-off.  It's causing a rub on my feet.  Now, I'm probably not doing to do anything about it, and my feet will get some callus' on them, so the blisters will stop.  On the other hand, my feet were a bit tender at work, although shoes helped :)

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to get a long run in to round the week at a whopping 3 runs :)

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