Monday, March 1, 2010

Exercise = Danger from Zombies

Okay, a bit of an extrapolation, but you'll see where I'm headed here...  I'm on my into work, I was listening a story on NPR's Morning Edition about how an aging bran is less quick, but more shrewd (story here: One of the subpoints was that exercise improves memory. In a study, with people working out three days a week, up to an hour at a time, for a 6-month to 1-year period, people who exercised improved both short term and long term memory. 

Specifically, those who trained had a larger hippocampi (see picture!), the brain area key for memory.

I am further extrapolating this (and no, this isn't in the NPR article).  If you have a larger hippocampi, then your brain size overall is larger, right?  If you have a larger brain, that would mean that you would become more attractive to zombies, who, as we all know, want your brains.
So, if you are more fit, zombies want you more.  However, you will also be able to run away from them faster, so it's a win-win situation (well, except for the zombies.  But we want them to lose anyway).

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