Didn't have any groove this morning. Was going to do 10 miles, but after started, realized that since I hadn't run 10 miles yet this week, and I didn't want my 'long run' to be > 50% of my weekly total (I actually shoot for my long run being no more than 30% of my weekly total), I cut my long run to 9 miles (which, in my book, doesn't actually make it a 'long run', more of a long-ish run, but I'm being picky now).
Anyway, I came up with every single excuse to prevent myself from heading out the door this morning, including running 2 houses away, and then turning around to get a long sleeve shirt on (although it has been quite warm this past week, a cold front came in, making the temps in the 50's, but there was a very stiff wind out this morning, on top of a rainy night, making it a little chilly this morning). I was actually lucky that I got up enough guff to go back outside after committing a cardinal sin of using excuses not to run -- going back inside the house to get something.
After a 1/2 mile, I still wasn't motivated. After 1 mile, I wasn't motivated, but was committed. After 3 miles, I was thinking about cutting the run short. After 4.5 miles (the turnaround), I was thinking that soon, very soon, I would get a groove going so that I wouldn't look like I was lurching down the road (I'm sure, well, pretty sure, I wasn't actually doing that, but it sure felt like it). At 8 miles, I thought a felt a groove coming on, but it quickly went away. At 9 miles, it was over, and thank God for that. It was a bad run. My time wasn't too bad (9:05 pace), but I felt terrible (or should it be 'turrible'). My right plantar made itself known, but my left knee kindly didn't. I just need to stretch (a lot) today.
Oh, not that I posted, but I ran two other times this, both of them to Cub Scout adult/leader events (i.e., no kids). The first night (yes, Night... for some reason, mornings weren't kind to me this week either, so no early morning runs) I ran 1.3 miles to the meeting, cleaned up, had a meeting, and then figured out a way to get 2.3 miles in on the way home, making a 3.6 mile run. The next night, I packed up with new clothes and a sandwich, ran 3.6 miles to the meeting, changed, cleaned up, ate the sandwich, had a meeting, and then 1.3 miles home, for a total of 5 miles.
All in all, a light week, certainly not what I am intending, but hoping to get a Saturday run in. The morning is out, but hopefully in the afternoon?
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