Saturday, April 3, 2010

*Now* I Can Say It's Been a Good Week

As you remember yesterday, I was hestitant to say that it was a good week, because I still had a run today.  Well, 10.12 miles later, *now* I can say it was a good week.  38.57 miles. 6 days of running out of 7.  Not bad.  Of course, I had to go on vacation to do this.  Wonder if I can make it a habit.  Well, I could, but living out in the street would put a damper to my running....

Today I ran 10.12 miles at a 9:05 pace.  It sounds better than it felt.  For the first 5 (!) miles, I felt sluggish.  I couldn't get a rhythm going.  I started out pretty early, but since I was going to finish up in daylight, I didn't bring my night running gear (reflective vest, headlamp).  The ironic thing was that I was listening to a podcast where they were interviewing the President of Go Motion Gear -- the maker of high-end lighting for runners.  Go figure.  I thought very highly of the interview, but after checking their website, felt that although the gear looks very good, I don't want to spent $80 on lighting.  You should check it out though.  I personally like the waist belt add-on, and they are supposed to work very well, but $80 is $80.

I hope to continue my streak next week by running at least 5 days.  Tomorrow, however, I'm taking off.

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