Sunday, March 8, 2009

Running is fun sometimes!

I ran yesterday, a good end to the week, and a great end to a slump over the past several weeks.

I ran 7.5 miles (9:20-ish? pace). It was quite enjoyable. I took a short detour to go down this path next to a creek and ended up at a pumping station. I don't know what a pumping station is though but it was surrounded by a tall fence. Anyway, it was a good run.

I think my knee problem is actually a hamstring problem (which is better I guess). If I strained my hamstring, I think the healing would be faster than a knee problem. I'm going to try to stretch it more before my runs though. However, after 6 miles, my knee/hamstring didn't hurt -- until I stopped :) It's still stiff when I sit for any longer than a few minutes.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Slogging Along

I managed to get up at 4:30 am again today (okay, 4:39...) and was out the door around 5:15 am for a nice 4.4 mile run. It was nice because it was above freezing! It was around 40 degrees, which felt very nice -- compared to some of the cold weather runs over the winter!

My knee continues to bother me, but oddly enough, it didn't hurt the same way it did yesterday. It hurt going downhill (probably due to extra stress on legs), but didn't feel it at all on flats. I felt it a little going uphill though. 5 hours later, it doesn't hurt too much, only when I stand up from a sitting position.

Just a short blog today...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Long Road Ahead

Okay, I ran two times this week, which is the most I've run since the week of Feb 8. Oy.

I continue to feel my left knee, but at this point, it's the chicken and the egg thing. Is my knee preventing me from running well, or does my lack of consistent running making my knee feel worse when I do run? I did take a couple weeks off (mostly). From Feb 15 - 28, I ran exactly one time. And that was an easy 4-miler. I'm hoping that my knee thing is not serious. Maybe I should see a doctor, but on the other hand, I'm worried that they'll have the ol' 'if it hurts, don't do it' attitude. My knee works as it is supposed to; I can walk on it, although I'm a little slow getting out of a chair, and it hurts to bend it 90 degrees. We'll see.

I ran 4 miles at a nice and easy 10:06 pace. Easy pace due to ice on the road (not much now, but a little) and the fact that I've run so little lately, I don't want to re-injure myself. Plus, I'm out of shape :)