Saturday, June 21, 2008

Beach Run

Ran at Rehoboth Beach this morning. Got in late last night. We are at the beach with two other families and we have a full house. It's very nice and I'm going to enjoy the weekend. Ran 9.77 miles this morning (according to I like this web site. It's similar to the web site where you can map your run. The biggest difference with is that you can choose to 'follow roads'. Most of the time it works fine, but with confusing roads, or larger roads, it messes up. Overall though, it makes it faster to map the run, particularly on windy roads.

It was in the upper 60's or lower 70's this morning. The humidity was up this morning (it *is* the beach, after all), but around 7 of the 9.77 miles was good :-) I got tired at the end and my form started to deteriorate. I passed the Dewey Beach Seven Sisters Race this morning (it was actually the 6th Classic Catering 4 Miler). That was neat. I had no idea there was a race this morning. If we have known, perhaps My Lovely Wife and Number 1 Son may have run it.

Anyway, 9.77 miles at 8:53. Not bad.

Oh, I ran yesterday, a short 4 miler. I ran out of time in the morning so I got a quick 4 in. It was cool in the morning (low 60's) and I barely got a sweat in. It was nice.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

O'Fallon (again)

Ran in O'Fallon, IL today. In town for a business trip. Did 6.25 (although planned for 6.00) as I missed a turn. Good time though (8:50) probably due to the flatness of the town. Very pretty town (I think I mentioned this before) as there is an actual downtown section (although closed and dark when I ran by).

Hope to get up early again tomorrow to run!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Slow 6

I got 6 in today (9:08 pace). It was an 'alright' run. I intentionally didn't try to run too hard. I ended up taking off yesterday. I probably could have gotten up earlier to get 4 in, but trying to get back to a consistent schedule is making me ache a little bit. However, it is easier to walk around during the day (as opposed to earlier in the week where if I sat down for a while, I was creaky when I stood back up). So taking off yesterday was probably a good thing.

Tomorrow (Saturday) is usually reserved for a long run. However, my schedule is pretty booked, as I'll be taking Number One Son on a Cub Scout campout (plus baseball game, cookout, etc.). In addition, I wasn't originally planning on doing more than 8 anyway. However, given the schedule, I'm wondering if it'll be another 6 miler....

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A repeat of "3 Days in a Row"

Once again, I have run 3 days in a row! Quite a feat! Today, I ran 6.05 miles at a 8:57 pace. I only got that pace when I looked at my GPS at mile 4 and thought -- geez, I'm running slower than yesterday! So I hoofed it and ran a 8:50 mile 5 to get my overall pace just below a 9:00. Why, do you ask, would I do that? I don't know. It seems sorta like cheating in a way. Arbitrarily getting my pace down on a run where I normally wouldn't do that doesn't help me (too much). On the other hand, I *was* able to get my pace down, so the extra effort will pay off in better conditioning. However, the better conditioning would be better if it were thought out ahead of time, and done as a tempo run, or speed work or something.

babble babble babble. There's nothing much to say, really. A storm last night blew away the humidity, and they say the 4 day heat wave is over. The humidity was down this morning, but it was still 72 degrees at 5:00 am. It was a better run, weather-wise, though.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Slowly but surely...

Ok, I ran again today (!) Wouldn't be quite a grand of statement, but for the fact that I've run 10 miles already this week, and it's only Tuesday! On the other hand, me in my infinite wisdom on February 26, in my post titled "Two Days, Two Runs, Ten Miles?", I was horrified by the fact that I ran "only" 10 miles in two days. Had I only known then what I know now....

I ran a 8:59 today (yay!) for 6.06 miles. I didn't feel as bad as yesterday, although I have felt my hip joint for the past day (that's not good). My left heel/achilles pain is less, and my right hip flexor doesn't hurt as much either. We'll see. I'm hoping that a week or two of consistent miles will work out the cricks and creaks of my body.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Long Road

Today, I actually got up and ran. Big deal, you say... but I haven't been able to say that on a 'school day' for 4 weeks. I got up at 4:45 am (ouch), and instead of thinking, oh well, since I don't have enough time to run 6, might as well sleep another hour... I said (or thought, not sure which), I have enough time to run 4.. get your a** out of bed!

Oh, I ran 4.33 miles (9:08 pace). The good news is that I ran. The bad news is that it's becoming apparent that not running for a length of time actually affects performance. I was hoofing it (or at least, my perceived effort was high), but every time I looked down at my GPS, I was going slower. At one point, I was running above a 10:00 mile. Now, don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with a 10:00 mile. However, given my perceived exertion, I thought I'd be doing an 8:30! It's gonna take awhile before I can run back like I used to in the good ol' days (good ol' days = 4 weeks ago).

If (and that's a big IF) I can run 25-30 miles a week, I'll be fine. Getting there is the problem.

Me -- to get there (30+ miles a week) = Long Road

Saturday, June 7, 2008

12 days.. 2 runs

Well, I had high hopes in my last post (3 Days in a Row). Since that time, in 12 days, I have run a total of 2 times (both within the past 3 days). My weekly mileage has dropped from 32.68/week to 28.41/week. Not really a good trend. Hmmm....

I need to get out of this rut. My work life has totally overwhelmed my family life as well as my personal life. It's now June. My 50K is in early September (!). That's exactly 1 day short of 4 months away, or 16 weeks, or just long enough for a training program for a marathon. Hmmm....

I need to get my mileage up; starting running on trails; and get a short run in after a long run. Oh, did I mention that I need my mileage up? The good part is that my pace doesn't need to be too fast. I was trying to run at a 9:00 minute/mile pace for the marathon, but I'll certainly be happy with a net 12:00 minute/mile for the 50K. Of course, it's not on a road, but on a rocky trail, which will automatically slow me down. However, I'm hoping that some of my injuries will actually be reduced by running on the trails, rather than on the road. Still, Hmmm....