Thursday, February 28, 2008

Short Run

Short run today. Didn't get to run this morning (as I mentioned yesterday, I had an early meeting and couldn't quite get up at 4:00 am to get the run in...) However, I'm glad I was able to run this afternoon. Couldn't get out until 5:15 pm though. I'm glad the days are getting longer. It was getting dark towards the end, but at least it started sunny.

It was windy though... medium to high winds. Temp was 28 but windchill was 16. brrrr. I wore my trusty ol' vest though. Man, that makes all the difference in the world. Did 5.02 at 8:37 pace. Not bad. Never warmed up prior to run.. just ran. Not sure that was smart. Ask me again in 3-4 hours.

Tomorrow, I'm trying to figure out how to get a long run in. Not sure if possible though, as I found out I have a meeting somewhere between 1pm and 4pm, the prime time for the long run. Oh well.

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