Saturday, February 23, 2008


What a week. Lots of stuff going on. My Lovely Wife ran 10 miles today, with a pace she was very happy with! That was great!

I ran 14.5 miles, finally breaking the 40 mile/week barrier that I've had for awhile. The run was good, but I never really warmed up. It was 32 degrees, but I had to keep putting my gloves back on, even at the end. I wonder if there was a little moister in the air... Anyway, the first 10 miles were great. The last 4 were... not so great. Another mile and I would have hit the wall.

I only had a GU during the run. I wonder if I need to start carrying fig newtons or some other sort of nutrition on my long runs.

Anyway, what a week. And running was only part of it. But I hit 40 miles! (finally)

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