Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Two Days, Two Runs, Ten Miles?

Two Days, Two Runs, only 10 miles? geez...

Yesterday I ran 6. Felt stiff for the first 1-2 miles (probably due to the 14 miler last Saturday). However, the last 4 were good. Overall, an 8:33 pace, so I guess I wasn't too slow.

Today I ran 4.75 miles. I didn't run until the afternoon, and I'm not used to that, so I started out a little slow. However, since it had been 1.5 days since I last ran, I didn't take it easy. Mile 3 was 7:57 (wow!) and I ended up with a 8:25 pace. Doesn't mean anything until I run tomorrow though. Hopefully I'll run in the morning and I'm going to try to do an 70 or 80 minute run (pseudo-HR run -- see an earlier post on that).

Today's run was good though as it wasn't too cold (almost springlike!) and it was a little misty (and actually a bit rainy towards the end).

Again, we'll see!

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