Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Trails!

Sunday, I ran the Bull Run Regional Park -- well.. 5.22 miles of it anyway.

It was my first official trail run! It was slow, I got off the trail not once, but twice, I got overheated and had to take off my middle layer shirt, I never caught my breath going up and down the hills, I had to walk up two hills due to steepness (and walk down coming back) -- in other words -- I Loved It! It was so much fun! I can't wait to do it again.

One rule -- don't start at 3:00 pm. It's getting too late in the day. Also, learn how to read the marks on the trees. I learned (the hard way) that a double mark means a turn in the trail. That's why I got off the trail twice.

New goal -- run the entire length of the trail, from the Bull Run Marina to Mason Neck. I think it's around 30 miles.

Today (Monday), I ran 4.36 miles -- 12 degrees, strong winds. COLD.

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