Saturday, February 9, 2008

Getting back into it

I had big plans to run 12 miles this morning. My original plan was 14 miles, but due to a mid-week slump, I didn't want my long run to be near 50% of my total. My goal is to have my long run be 30% of my total, but even 12 miles would prevent that, but I didn't want to run less. So I did....

I got all ready to run -- I was all excited that a new podcast was out there (finally!) and I got myself all ready, put my water belt on, made sure my phone was in there, made sure my gel was in there, made sure my iPod was clipped on, put on my gloves and hat and was out the door. 1/2 mile later, I realized that the water bottles (all filled) were still on the kitchen counter (no wonder the belt felt light). Oops.

I changed plans -- instead of running 12, I was going to run 6, as that's less than an hour, and I didn't think I should run more than an hour without water (even though it's Winter). Nearing the 3 mile mark, I realized that I was running at a pretty good clip, and wasn't *too* thirsty. So I added a mile.

Total time, about 1:08 -- very good considering my week.

I *hope* to add another 6 miles into today, bringing my grand total to 14 miles today, but I'm not sure that will happen, as weekends are pretty busy at the house. If not, I'll still have 24 miels this week. But I really need to be getting up to 40+, rather than lower than 30....

There's always next week!

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