Thursday, January 17, 2008

What to say?

What to say? what to say? I just added my workouts from January 1 onto my training trainer ( It doesn't amount to much right now, as you can easily see my weekly totals -- which aren't much to write home about right now. Theoretically, I'm ramping up for the Frederick Marathon early May, and on the 16 week training plan, I have two weeks to play with. Unfortunately, last week, I used up one of my free weeks, but not for fun... but for the flu. yuck. I would have much rather worked all day long and skipped a run (or even two) than be sick for 2-3 days.

So, now a week later, I'm trying to get back on track. We'll see about tomorrow though. It snowed today and temps are supposed to drop tonight. I dunno how well the streets will be tomorrow morning. We'll see.

Otherwise, I'm pretty excited about the blog and training log. Nothing really interesting to report on though

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