Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Rainy Day

It feels good to run in the rain, although less so when it's cold and dark. It was 35 degrees today, so it wasn't too cold. The problem with it being dark is that the water droplets on my glasses make it very hard to see when the on-coming headlights (hey, I'm on a path, not on the road!) are right in my eyes.

I ran 8.03 today -- pretty good. I'm off schedule this week due to my mountain time. I didn't run yesterday (tempo run) so I ran far today. *Maybe* this week I'll do a tempo run, but I don't want to impact my long run this weekend. As I'm increasing my miles, I don't want to injure myself, and personally, I think my pace is getting a little faster. Not sure if I can run 26.2 at an 8:30 pace, but I'm getting there.

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