Friday, October 10, 2008


Okay, I've been hearing about the World Wide Festival of Races for quite some time on Phedippidations, as well as the Extra Mile Podcast for quite some time now (actually, I've heard about the Phedipidations World Wide Half for a couple of years, before they added a 10K to the Half and 5K and renamed it the Festival of Races). It always seemed intriguing and I've sorta wanted to sign up for it, but my training for other races always got in the way.

Well, since I'm not signed up for any races, and I had a weak moment (during work today), I signed up! Hmmm... is this a good idea?

Last week I ran 10 miles (see here) and it wasn't the brightest thing I have ever done. On the other hand, I wasn't any worse for wear. So.... hoping I don't come back eating crow, the next post you'll see is me telling you about my 13.1 mile run around the hills and dales of my home town.

See you tomorrow.

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