Saturday, April 5, 2008


I got 18 in today... waited until the wire though. Couldn't wake up at 5:00 am to run at 6:00 am. Couldn't wake up at 6:00 am to run at 7:00 am. Couldn't wake up... never mind, you get the picture.

Finally started running at 6:00 PM. I usually don't run that late, and my body let me know that. 6pm is also typically dinner time, although I did eat a peanut butter sandwich at 5pm. The first half felt great. I was tempted to run 10 miles out and make it an even 20, but I thought better of it. I turned around 9 miles, ate a 1/2 sandwich (peanut butter) and started running back. My miles were instantly slower. Whereas I was running sub 9's for the entire 1/2 half, I was consistently above 9 for the second half. At mile 13, I hit the wall. The last 4 miles were a bit of a struggle. With 2.5 miles to go, I finally went with the flow and ran at whatever pace my body told me to run. I managed to meet my mile paces in the 9's until mile 18. That was was a 10:00 minute mile pace exactly. I did do a 9:06 average for the 18, so overall it was fine, but I was trending poorly towards the end. We'll see how I do next week to see if I'm in trouble in Frederick.

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