Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Icy Run

Well, I'm stoked.  I read about using metal screws (the hex ones) in an old pair of running shoes last year (after I had trouble running in snow and ice), and decided to give it a shot this year.  Well, it works!  I used about 11 screws in each shoe (ranging from 3/8" to 1/2") and was able to get a very good run today in my neighborhood.  I didn't slip on the street (I was worried about that) nor did I slip on the ice/snow/slush.  In fact, I had very good grip considering.  

I ran 4.01 miles at an 8:50 pace, which is very good, considering I had to share the single road lane with other cars (meaning I had to stop several times).  I actually preferred running on the softer surfaces, as I felt pressure on the sole of my feet where the screws where (I didn't feel the screws themselves, but felt the uneven surface). On the ice/snow/slush, I didn't feel the screws, and since I had such good traction, I sought those surfaces out.  In addition, I stayed in my neighborhood, as, alas, VDOT hasn't plowed too much.  I kept off the main road as I would have run on the asphalt surface.

All in all, a very successful run in the snow!

My shoe:

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