Sunday, October 25, 2009


Longest week of the training ended yesterday with a 22-miler.  I'm glad that's over :)  Overall, it was a good week, topping out at 50 miles (and making #14 on the buckeyeoutdoors leaderboard!)  Up until around mile 44 or so (of the entire week), I was pain free.  The last four miles though... that's another story.  The good thing is that I made it to mile 18 of my long run before any serious stuff happened -- the serious stuff being totally bonked, left ankle hurting, having to take walk breaks, and doing the death shuffle when running (you know, normal stuff like that).  My pace until then was pretty good, after that, not so much.  Anyway, it's over, and now my taper begins.  Next Saturday's run is only (only?) 15 miles.

Pretty soon I need to become philosophical, but not today :)

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