Okay, that's a bit of a strong title, but I guess I'm still on a runner's high here... To start with, I overslept this morning (I woke up at the ungodly hour of 5:06 am -- to late to get my run in before work) so I delayed my run until tonight. Around 8:00 pm, I went out, did a 2 mile warmup, did 6 Yasso-800's, and then a 2 mile cooldown. What's a Yasso-800? Well, named after Bart Yasso, it's a type of run that will 1) help get your extended distance speed up; and 2) help determine if you are ready to do a marathon. It's basically a 800 meter (1/2 mile) fast run, at a speed that whose number is equivalent to your target marathon time. That is, if you want to run a 4:10 marathon, you need to run your 800 meter in 4 minutes, 10 seconds (or a 8:20 pace). 6 Yasso-800s means do this 6 times (with a 1/4 mile recovery between each run). Well tonight, I ran my Yasso-800's not a 8:00 pace (which would mean running them in 4:00 minutes), but at a 7:30 pace -- for all 6! Wow, I was impressed with myself, if I do say so myself :) I was very worried about this workout, as it is indeed a tough workout (and I get to to it again in a couple weeks, but this time, do 8 of them).
Now, I did manage to *not* run my 18 mile this past weekend, due to Cub Scout training, in-laws in town, and basic oversleeping, so my legs were fresh. We'll see if I can do my 20 miler this weekend (again, due to Cub Scout training, and other stuff, I get to do my 20-miler on Friday night! yay.....)
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