Saturday, September 27, 2008

Long time no see

Okay, my last post was on Sept 15. Today is Sept 27. Wow... long time since a run!

Last week, I put in 74 hours in 5 days (no weekend work, which made each week day that much longer!) Anyway, due to my increased work time, I didn't run.

This week, I think I was trying to re-balance myself... plus, I really didn't have the motivation to run. I don't know why. Every morning (well, nearly every morning) my alarm would go off; I would think of a lame excuse to go back to sleep, and then I'd wake up with just enough time to go to work. Evening runs had all sorts of excuses as well.

Today, since I had to drop the car off at the service station, I decided to wake up early, drive the car in, and run the 3-ish miles home. It gave me a good excuse to run. Now, I ran at a pretty slow pace (9:40 mile), but at least I ran. It's a start :)

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