Saturday, May 3, 2008

Last Burst

I read in a performance nutrition book that to help your body soak in extra carbs, to do a brief, high intensity workout one day before the marathon. I don't know what sort of high intensity workout, but I figured that it had to be very short.

I warmed up 1/2 mile, and then ran very hard for 1/2 mile. My second 1/2 mile pace was 6:38, so that was pretty intense (for me), and it only lasted 1/2 mile, so it was short. I dunno if it'll work, as there's only about 100 variables involved with the Frederick Marathon tomorrow, but we'll see!

I'm still shooting for a 4:10, even though I've been tapering (unintentionally) for 2 weeks. Wish me luck!

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