Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Began my taper... last week

This week is officially begins my taper period of two weeks.  Unfortunately, I began my taper last week :)

I ran first couple days of last week (okay one day) fine, by doing mile repeats.  Unfortunately, that was the only good workout of the week.  I suffered through a 2-miler the next day, but then didn't run again until my "long" run on Saturday.  It was supposed to be 15 miles, but due to the fact that I had only run a total 10 miles earlier in the week, and that I didn't like to run more than 50% of my total weekly mileage in a single run, I opted for a 10-miler long run.  That actually felt pretty good.

Today, I ran 5 miles, which was supposed to be 'easy', but I turned up the effort to run at my marathon-pace.  I read someplace (most likely runner's world) that during the taper period, you should keep the intensity up, but reduce total mileage.  So, I'm following my plan (well, sorta) with the mileage, but keeping my pace up.  We'll see how it goes.  Since I ran at MP today, maybe I'll ease up tomorrow, and then alternate through the week, with my last long run of 12 miles on Saturday.

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