Friday, January 16, 2009

Moon Shadow

This morning, knowing that there was a wind chill advisory and temps forecasts to be in the teens, I got up at 4:40 am. This should be enough, so I'll end it right here :-)

But, I got dressed, two layers of everything, had a GU energy gel, found out it was 9 degrees, with a wind chill of -4, and then ran 4.4 miles. Except for my face, I felt pretty good. I was a little sluggish, probably due to the cold and the two layers of pants, but I felt alright. My face got pretty cold, and it never quite warmed up, but I haven't gone to the next step of buying one of those face hats (or whatever they're called) because it normally doesn't get that cold here. Normally, cold = temps in the 20's. However, given that it's fairly early in the cold winter season, maybe I should find a sale someplace.

Anyway, the sky was very clear and there was a half-moon out (ever notice that in the winter, the clear sky seems much more clear than in the summer, especially at night?). The sky was so clear, and the moon (even the half-moon) was so bright that I had a shadow. I thought that was pretty cool. I usually don't see a moon shadow due to clouds, other lights, daytime, etc., so this was nice.

I didn't clock my run today because I didn't feel like it, plus, I didn't want to injure myself trying to keep pace when it was so cold out.

Tomorrow, a long run! (hopefully)

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