Saturday, December 6, 2008


Okay, the last time I ran (admittedly, a week ago), it was 55 degrees. I ran in shorts and a long sleeve shirt. Today, it was 21 degrees. I wore long pants, UnderArmor, a heavy shirt, and a fleece vest (plus gloves and hat). Whew!

I'm glad I ran though.

I ran at Burke Lake. I needed to change *something* up, as I haven't had the gumption to get up and run all week long. It's a nice 4.6 mile loop, and I recognized a few runners (going the oppposite way) from my Lifetime Fitness Running Club days (3, as a matter of fact). I was kinda tired at the end (probably from not running). I had a fleeting thought of running two laps at the lake, but 3/4 of the way through the first lap, I gave that thought up! Maybe next time.

1 comment:

John Yagerline said...

Kate, thanks for leaving a comment. As you can see, my posts have been spotty (as is my running), but with the Shamrock Marathon coming up in about 10 weeks, I should be running (and posting) more regularly!)