Thursday, December 31, 2009
You've Got To Be Kidding....
Just thought I'd pass along my (apparent) wisdom on this... :)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Year End Review
Monday, December 28, 2009
Almost There!
in March. Training doesn't officially start until mid-January, so I need to find something else to do in order to prove to myself that I can run 50k in June.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Normal(?) Run
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
900 in 2009?
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Icy Run
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Snow Run
Thursday, December 17, 2009
At least the second day wasn't windy
in a windy, 27 degree morning (wind chill 16). Once my face got numb,
it was better. Fortunately, I brought clothes for 20+ degrees;
unfortunately, I neglected to account for wind chill. The run wasn't
too bad though. I averaged an 8:45 pace for 4.5 miles.
The second run was done in 16 degree weather, but it wasn't windy. I'm
not sure how I would have handled that much cold *plus* wind, but I
didn't have to. My face hurt for a mile or so, I think because of my
eyeglasses (they got very cold very quickly). That run was done
slightly faster (8:42 pace) for 4.1 miles.
I'm traveling today, so not much chance for a run.
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Saturday, December 12, 2009
Starting Again
week, but I hope to increase the mileage over the next couple of weeks
to the 20-ish range.
This week I also began physical therapy. This was as a response to a
doctor visit to check on my left knee, left ankle and right foot. No
broken bones and highly unlikely of any stress fractures, but most
likely a neuroma (nerve damage) at least on my foot. Nothing obvious
found on my other issues. Both the doctor and the physical therapist
recommended more stabilizing shoes though (ascis to be precise). So,
since my adidas are done (600+ miles on them), I guess my next shoes
are the ascis 2100 series shoe. I used to run in them a while back and
they are good shoes. It is weird though that both people recommended
Next week? A business trip to the Midwest (expect cold!) but hopefully
will be able to run 4 days, but its tough on 'travel' days. I want to
keep my runs easy and not too long, but will need to go back-to-back
days to accommodate flights.
We'll see!
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
Runnin' at the Beach
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Whoo Hoo!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Just a Couple Days to Go
Saturday, November 7, 2009
7 Days to Go
Thursday, November 5, 2009
How Much Longer?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Began my taper... last week
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Downward direction
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wow, 4 runs this week! (so far)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
How much longer?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Found a new Gear!
I'm not sure I mentioned this the last time I talked about Yasso-800's, but one of the things I read about them was that it's more of a negative test on the marathon, rather than a positive test. That is, if you can do them in your time-goal, that doesn't mean you can do the marathon in your time-goal. However, if you cannot do them in your time-goal, there's a good chance that you cannot do the marathon in your time-goal. However, there's a lot of controversy around the whole thing. Simply put, it's a good interval workout where you get extended time on your lengths at speed, plus with enough reps so that you are running at speed with depleted energy. That's fine by me.
I shouldn't have looked at the old post though -- I just read that I can the previous set *much* faster than today's set. Should I be worried?
Monday, October 19, 2009
Okay, I heard this in a podcast
Quite a long shirt logo though....
Oh Yeah, I ran today
It was cold though. I used my 'throwaway' gloves, the ones I get from racing expos. The problem in, when they get wet (from sweat), they get pretty cold. I have some others that I bought (more than the $2/pair I get at the expo for the throwaways) that seem to not lose heat as much. Maybe I'll try them again. If they work well, I'll purchase more of them in Richmond (but I can't lose them!)
Tomorrow is what I *think* is my last Yasso 800 workout. Oy. I don't look forward to it.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Basically, Nike is treating these workers like slaves. Jim Keady is working to raise awareness of this, and I, for one, support him. Based on what I read and heard, I'm no longer purchasing Nike products. Now, I like Nike clothes (the shoes, not so much). I own their clothes. They work great. I also like their commercials. They also sponsor some great runners. However, I'm not going to support them by purchasing any more of their products. I'm going to continue to use the clothes that I have, as it will waste resources to replace them with something else.
Anyway, click on the links and learn more about it.
I also ran today (I only ran 2 times this week, due to colds, busy-ness, etc.). I ran 10 miles at a 9:35 pace. It was cold and rainy, but while I was running, I felt fine (my knee hurt afterward though). When I stopped at mid-way to eat a GU energy gel, I immediately got cold (by this time, I was as wet as could be). Today was also the first day this season I wore long pants (Nike's, actually). So, 17 miles for the week. Oh well.
Monday, October 12, 2009
7 easy
My knee starting bothering me again. It sorta started last week, but today I felt it when I was going up or down a steep hill, or when I straightened out my leg. Hopefully, it's something I can work through, as there's only 5 weeks left before the marathon!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
World Wide Festival of Race Half Marathon and 20 Miler! Hoo-Yah!
After the World Wide Festival of Races 1/2 marathon, I immediately began rounding out my 20 miler by running 7 miles. For the first 3 miles, I felt great. The fourth mile I actually got a little competitive with runners on the trail, and for that, I paid for it in the last two miles. Also, the last two miles were uphill (the entire way! I swear!). It took everything out of me and I did the 'death shuffle' for the last couple miles.
For this 20 miler, although I bonked at the last couple miles, I felt loads better than last week. Last week, I was done at 15 (although there were still 5 miles to go). This week, I was trying to race someone at mile 17, and didn't really bonk until I hit the hills at mile 18. So overall, I'm happy with my run.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Another 10
Tomorrow, an easy 4, and Saturday (groan), another 20.
So, when I was wrapped up in my head about the dead battery in my GPS, and not knowing exactly what my pace was, blah blah blah, I was shaken back to reality when I saw a homeless person sleepy along the Fairfax County Parkway on the bike trail. It put things WAAAAYYY back into perspective. In the end, I have it very lucky. I have a job, a house, a family, I get to enjoy time to myself (such as running). I have friends, a car (well, 2 cars), and I'm fairly well adjusted. Then I see someone who doesn't have many of these things right there in front of me. Now, I don't live in the city, and I don't see this very often. The sight of this was very jarring to me. I should carry a couple bucks with me when I run, but in this case, I'd be afraid to a) wake this person up; or b) place the money in their shopping cart, as I would not want to upset him/her. But carrying some money would be good anyway, just in case.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Welcome to
Weather, 59-60 degrees, VERY windy. There is/was a storm coming, but it never hit. However, due to the storm, I did run much faster on the way back than intended (nearly 2 minutes faster).
Overall, nice run, but didn't do it 'easy'. Tomorrow's a rest and we'll pick it up again on Thursday, with a Marathon-pace run
Monday, October 5, 2009
My Quads Hate Me
The run? pretty good. Went down Misty Creek road for a flat 4.4 miler. Was cool out this morning (49 degrees), but don't need the gloves yet. My legs hurt going down hills, but overall, no pain in knees or feet (yay!). Tomorrow I'm running 7 or something, at some sort of pace, and running in a new town (I'm back in St. Louis, but could not find a hotel in trusty ol' O'Fallon, so staying in nearby Collinsville). It's promising out here, as although I'm not staying in Collinsville proper (where most of the MapMyRun running routes are), but in the 'hotel district' -- probably the industrial park :) there's a state park within 6-7 miles. I'm not running 6-7 miles just to run in a state park, but I'm hoping the road going there will be somewhat scenic. Scenic at 5:00 am?, well, hopefully not a main road full of traffic.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
long SLOW distance
20. Oddly enough, I wasn't afraid of the distance. For the first 5 miles, I was thinking that I could do it well. At mile 10, I was slowing down, but I still felt good. At 15, my wheels fell off. My pace slowed WAY down and I slogged it in. I had to walk a few times the last 5 miles, but I ultimately finished. 20.06 at a 10:49. Eh... hopefully, next week I'll not break down. Hopefully, my running 20 today, I'll be able to do 18 well next time. I am a little afraid to see what my distance is next week though.
Regardless of the distance, I want 13.1 miles of it to be the World Wife Half, one of the race of the World Wide Festival of Races. This is a really cool event run my 'new media', a whole bunch of podcasters who have (oddly enough) running podcasts. Nike has admitted to 'borrowing' this idea of having a virtual world-wide race for their 'human race' event, but this is really cool. There's 5k, 10k, and a 1/2 marathon. Everyone should do it. Just sign up at
Thursday, October 1, 2009
10 miles
I was supposed to run a mile warmup, then 8 miles at marathon pace, and then a mile cooldown. Well, I messed up my Garmin (didn't reset from last run), so I spent a while trying to figure out what lap (mile) I was on, versus what was displaying on the GPS, as well as what distance I was at. At a desk, with proper lighting, I could probably do this, but while running, and not thinking clearly anyway, this was apparently a very hard task. Anyway, I figured out that I was running 10 miles, and that I was doing the proper pace. At the end, I figured that I ran an 8:59 for the run, which wasn't too shabby.
Did I mention that was a brisk this morning? 44 degrees. I was cold at the start, and it took over a mile for my hands to get warm.
Tomorrow night (Yes, another sleepy night-time run), 20 miles. yikes.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Yasoo 800s.. Bring it ON!
Now, I did manage to *not* run my 18 mile this past weekend, due to Cub Scout training, in-laws in town, and basic oversleeping, so my legs were fresh. We'll see if I can do my 20 miler this weekend (again, due to Cub Scout training, and other stuff, I get to do my 20-miler on Friday night! yay.....)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Two in a Row
it. Since I skipped Tuesday's workout day, I shifted that workout to
Wednesday. Unfortunately, that workout was the Mile Repeats. Today, I
did 9 miles, with 7 of those miles at goal marathon pace. I managed a
9:01 pace for those 7, but I was beat at the end. Tomorrow, I'm
supposed to do 3, with Saturday doing 18. I'd like to skip tomorrow,
but if I do, my Saturday run will suffer. Hmmmm.
Actually, I'm not sure how I'm going to do 18, as I'm in an all day
cub scout training class on Saturday, starting at 8 am. That would
mean, for a 3.5 hour run, I'd have to wake up around 3 am to get the
run in before class. That ain't going to happen. Friday night won't
work either. Maybe Saturday night?
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mile Repeats
The repeats were good. I could have gone faster (I averaged an 8:18 pace on those miles), but I was worried about my knee. However, at the end of the entire run, I felt refreshed. Taken as a whole, my average pace for the 8 miles was around a 9:22, that the pace was considered 'easy'. Again, taken as a whole.
The buckeyeoutddoors site is very slow this morning (it's slow most mornings), so I don't know what's next. However, since I overslept yesterday, I took that as my 'rest day', so I pick up again tomorrow. My long run on Saturday is 18! (yikes). I also need to be at (another) Cub Scout training class at 8:00 am on Saturday, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do....
Monday, September 21, 2009
Short run today
I was focused on the temperature. I was a little cold at the start (it was 61 degrees this morning). Pretty soon I'll be forced to wear something other than a t-shirt and shorts. Yikes, cold weather is coming....
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Early Run
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tentatively Cautious
Anyway, I ran 5 today, and due to run 14 tomorrow. Since my long runs are supposed to be 60-120 seconds slower per mile than my goal pace (which I took advantage of on my last long run), I should be okay. Plus, it's 2 miles shorter than last week, so that's good.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Hill Repeats
Later, walking the two blocks from the parking garage to my office, my left knee hurt really bad every time I took a step. Ouch. Hopefully, that will go away today. I'm supposed to run 5 tomorrow, but if my knee hurts, I don't know what I'm going to do....
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
One run after another
My long run? 16 miles (actually, 15.8, but was too tired to get the last .2 miles in). I did it in a 9:57 pace, but for the first 9 miles, it was much faster. Miles 14-17 were hard (sleepy tired, and just dog-gone tired at that point). Saturday at 5:00 am I woke up (a little achy) and went to a Cub Scout leader training event -- until 2:00 pm Sunday.
Monday, I just couldn't get up to run, so I ran my easy 5 this morning (Tuesday). It was a very good run, a nice and easy run at a 9:04 pace. Tomorrow, hill repeats. I'm dreading this one....
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ouch, my legs
Monday, September 7, 2009
Lets see if I can get through the week
I ran an 'easy 4' today. I started off a little stiff, as we (the family) went to DC yesterday and walked through the American History Museum. My first mile was a little slow, but I quickly got up to speed. I did a little research on the 'easy' runs on this program. At first, I thought I was to keep a slow pace, and as it turns out, I just need to keep an easy pace. If I can run faster, I should do so. So today I ran a sub 9 (barely, an 8:59 pace). We'll see how my 'hill' run goes tomorrow. It's supposed to be an 7 mile hill run. Historically, the 6 mile hill run has really wiped me out -- so we'll see.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Very Irregular
Today I bought new shoes to replace my Saucony shoes. I have thought about getting new shoes for some time now, but noticed that both of my shoes have around 500 miles on them. My Adidas have 520 miles and my Saucony has 470. However, my Saucony shoes have broken down faster than my Adidas. My Adidas are still going strong, but I need to make a mental note that at around 200 miles of my new shoes (New Balance 758), I should replace my Adidas.
Overall, my running has been pretty good. In August, I ran 104 miles. I'm running fairly consistently, as I have been following a modified Yasso Marathon training plan for the upcoming Richmond Marathon on November 14 (yikes). Actually, my running has been pretty good. Today, instead of long mileage, my plan had me to a 5k. Not able to find a local 5k, I ran a 2 mile warmup along the W&OD trail, a hard 3 miles (8:07 pace), and then a 2 mile cooldown. I was surprised I was able to keep that pace for 3 miles. Beforehand, I was thinking that I was going to try for a 8:30 pace for the 5k portion, but as I was warming up, I was noticing that I was running a sub 9 in spots, without much fatigue. Anyway, I felt good with my run.
I'm trying to keep to the training plan, although this week I ran only 3 times versus 5 times as per the plan. Previous weeks have been pretty good though. Anyway, we'll see.
I'll try to post more often as I get closer to the Richmond Marathon. It should be fun as my family will be joining me to the race, and we are staying an extra night in Richmond (after the race) to enjoy the town.
Monday, July 13, 2009
I forgot how to tie my shoelaces!
However, given the sheer bulk of the Montrail shoe, plus the uneven terrain, the Yankz didn't work too well. So, Friday night, I replaced the Yankz with the original shoe laces.
Wow, just re-reading this blog, and I noticed that I have spent a long time explaining shoe laces. What an exciting post!
This week? Hopefully, a good week. I just started the Yasso Intermediate Marathon training program for the Richmond Marathon. The official training time isn't until the week of July 26, but I'll be on a Cub Scout camping trip that entire week, so I figured I would start early. I'm adjusting the training plan a bit as I would like to do 10 miles on my long run this week. We'll see!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Is this thing on?
Stay tuned.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Running is fun sometimes!
I ran 7.5 miles (9:20-ish? pace). It was quite enjoyable. I took a short detour to go down this path next to a creek and ended up at a pumping station. I don't know what a pumping station is though but it was surrounded by a tall fence. Anyway, it was a good run.
I think my knee problem is actually a hamstring problem (which is better I guess). If I strained my hamstring, I think the healing would be faster than a knee problem. I'm going to try to stretch it more before my runs though. However, after 6 miles, my knee/hamstring didn't hurt -- until I stopped :) It's still stiff when I sit for any longer than a few minutes.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Slogging Along
My knee continues to bother me, but oddly enough, it didn't hurt the same way it did yesterday. It hurt going downhill (probably due to extra stress on legs), but didn't feel it at all on flats. I felt it a little going uphill though. 5 hours later, it doesn't hurt too much, only when I stand up from a sitting position.
Just a short blog today...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Long Road Ahead
I continue to feel my left knee, but at this point, it's the chicken and the egg thing. Is my knee preventing me from running well, or does my lack of consistent running making my knee feel worse when I do run? I did take a couple weeks off (mostly). From Feb 15 - 28, I ran exactly one time. And that was an easy 4-miler. I'm hoping that my knee thing is not serious. Maybe I should see a doctor, but on the other hand, I'm worried that they'll have the ol' 'if it hurts, don't do it' attitude. My knee works as it is supposed to; I can walk on it, although I'm a little slow getting out of a chair, and it hurts to bend it 90 degrees. We'll see.
I ran 4 miles at a nice and easy 10:06 pace. Easy pace due to ice on the road (not much now, but a little) and the fact that I've run so little lately, I don't want to re-injure myself. Plus, I'm out of shape :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Easy transition
It was rather mild this morning (45 degrees at 5:15 am) and I didn't quite have the clothes for such mild weather, so I got a little hot. I didn't get a time, because I wanted to focus just on running 4 miles, and not running 4 miles in X minutes. Coming back with about a mile to go, I turned my head hard to the left, and then noticed that my hamstring was a little tight on my left side. At that point, I began wondering if having tight or weak hamstrings contributed to my knee problem. It makes sense. My knee doesn't actually hurt when I press on it; it only feels weird when I open and close it. It's also a bit swollen. I don't think that my hamstring is the sole reason for my knee injury, but I have a feeling that it is related. I think I need to stretch and strengthen my hamstrings. This has been a weak point in my long runs since my first marathon. My hamstrings have traditionally cramped up on very long runs (and marathons).
Anyway, it's an interesting thought. I'll need to be mindful on that. Anyway, I had a good run this morning, and hope to have another good run tomorrow morning - and it's due to be much colder, lower 20's, so I'll be dressed properly :)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Didn't run today
Saturday, February 14, 2009
One down, One to go
I actually felt very good at 7 miles (half-way), and pretty good at 10. In the last mile, I actually ran as fast as I could up a steep hill near my house (but only got down to an 8:40 pace, so I wasn't running all that fast). I could have handle another couple miles easily, but I'm not sure I would have felt just as fresh after 6 more miles....
Oh well, wish me luck for tomorrow morning.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
One Word - Treadmill
So, during the new episode of Lost last night, I got on treadmill, turned closed captioning on the TV, and started running. I actually got engaged with the storyline and all of the sudden I was at 2 miles. However, I was feeling twinges in my left foot during my run. I think I was changing my running gait, or doing something to compensate for my left knee, and it was causing issues with my foot, so I stopped at 4 miles. Now, if I were running outside, I wouldn't have had that luxury. However, on the other hand, given the high winds and rain, I probably wouldn't have noticed the twinges and continued running (plus, I would have been 2 miles away from home still). All reasons aside, I stopped at 4 miles (9:30-ish pace).
That brings me to a whopping 10 miles this week. Not sure if I should do 20 (!) this weekend, especially with my knee. I wonder if I did 12/12 (Sat/Sun) if that would work. Hmmm...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Day After
This past year, my motivation has flagged somewhat (just recent posts from last fall, and you'll see). The question is... what race should I run? It'll be mid-Spring by then (well, early Spring). Maybe some 10Ks. I haven't done them in a while.
Oh, I ran 6.00 miles today at a 9:30-ish pace. My left knee continues to make itself known.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Long, Slow Run
Since I was running a slower pace, I felt fine at 10 miles. I felt my legs after mile 12, but that might have been because I was back in my (hilly) neighborhood. But, I ran (whew).
Friday, February 6, 2009
Late Night Run
Last night I did.
8.02 miles at a 9:22 pace. It was rather like an early morning run, but with less traffic. I started out around 8:55 pm and was back around 10:05-10:10 pm, so it wasn't too late, although it was much later than I usually run :-)
It was kinda cold -- 24 degrees, but not too windy. I'm starting to think that running wearing cotton gloves may not be the best idea. My hands got hot, then sweaty, so I took them off, but then after my hands cooled off, I had to put on cold and wet gloves. I also have some issues other apparel items made of cotton, but that's certainly not a topic for a public blog post :-)
I'm taking off today, and trying to figure out if 18 miles for tomorrow is in my future....
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Yay, I ran today!
I woke this morning at 4:30 am (I'm getting too used to this) and for some reason, didn't manage to leave the house until 5:30 am. May have something to do with the fact that I did a little bit of work before I headed out. Anyway, I ran 'okay'. I did 6.2-something, at a 9:20 (I think) pace. I think a) not running consistently; and b) taking my long runs on trails, where my pace is slower, has something to do with the fact that my daily (ish) runs are not as fast as they used to be. I would have hoped that my daily runs would be under a 9-minute pace, but hey, at least I'm running (Yay, I rank today!)
I'm hoping to do 8 tomorrow, and then either skip a day, or run 4, and then do a long run on Saturday (not sure for how long though -- yet, but I posted last Saturday that it should be another 18. yikes).
Monday, February 2, 2009
Slogging It
Anyway, I was waffling to run either 4 or 6, but was leaning towards 6, when I realized, about a 1/4 of a mile from my house, that I forgot my water. Whoops. That made my decision for me, so I ended up doing the loop around my neighborhood, 4.34 miles, at a 9:39 pace.
My left quad was feeling a little tender from my long run on Saturday. I was also still a bit tired from that run. So I didn't want to push the pace too much. A 9:39 was a little slower than I would have liked, but at least I ran, and hopefully didn't injure myself.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
4 laps
It started out great. It was 21 degrees and the sun was out. At 8:00 am, the ice on the path was still cold and non-slick. However, after 2 laps (or approximately 9:30 am), the sun was melting the top layer of the ice, making it a little treacherous. The last lap was mighty slick, and that's why I slowed down so much on my last lap (and I'm sticking to that... um... excuse).
It was actually a good run. I wasn't the only one who thought Burke Lake would be a good place to run. Even over the summer, I didn't see as many runners as this morning. After 10:00 am though, I didn't see as many (they probably saw the slick ice and said forget it -- which was probably the wise decision).
I ran 18.00 miles (again, no extra hundredths, although I was still a 1/2 mile from the car) at a 10:31 pace. The first 10 miles were a bit faster though -- probably by 40 seconds per mile.
I'm glad I ran it. It'll be interesting to see if I can run 18 again next week :)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Treadmill Day
Fast forward, this morning, I went to the dreaded treadmill. I managed to get 6.00 miles in (not one one-hundredth of a mile more) at a 9:08 pace. Not too bad considering that at one point, it was all I could do to get past 4 miles. I listened to a good podcast on Pheippidations that talked about why runner's get injured. There was also a good race report on the Walt Disney Marathon that I thought My Lovely Wife should hear :) as it described a really *fun* race!
Anyway, pretty boring run, pretty boring post.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Snowshoes and running
Wisp is a pretty neat resort. I was able to rent some fairly high end running snowshoes (can't remember the exact model, but they were Tubb's Catalyst running snowshoes, or something like that). I ran (walked, trudged) 4-ish miles in under an hour, averaging 13:20 (which included walking, stopping, wondering where I was, etc.). At points, I was under a 10 minute mile, but mostly was in the 10-12 minute range when I was running.
Great workout. I highly recommend it.
Why was I in Wisp? Some good friends of ours invited our family plus another family to their place in Deep Creek, Maryland. Lovely house, great location, and great company. All of us had a blast. I wish we could have stayed longer, but no rest for the weary -- as I had to be back at work this morning.
Okay, about 6 weeks to go before the marathon, and I decided to take an entire week off last week. Not good timing. Today, I ran 4-something at a 9:20-something pace. I was slow and creaky. Hopefully, I'll have a good week!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Icicles On My Face
Fast forward, 6:00am. It was 1 degree at Dulles Airport (compared to a balmy 4 degrees at the local elementary school) when I walked out the door, into my car, and to Oak Marr Rec Center. This was a formal parking area for the Fairfax County Cross County Trail. Once again, it was a great location for a run. The route I chose was mostly in park land, which meant single track trails, some gravel trails, a couple of creeks to cross, and very few paved surfaces. I started at Oak Marr Rec Center and ran all the way to Lawyer's Road, and back again (duh). I stopped at exactly 14.00 miles, with a pace of 10:26. Much slower than my last run, but I did stop a few times, once when I saw my manager walking his dog (hello Garry), once when there were three trails and no signs (of course, I took the wrong way), once to eat, and towards the end, several times to walk up steeper hills (hey, I was tired).
The run itself. Well, my feet got numb within the first mile, and stayed that way for quite some time. My hands were very cold (in cold weather I sometimes wear warm mittens, but my hands actually get too hot, so I usually wear those throw-away cotton gloves they hand out at races), and I couldn't get the face mask adjusted properly. I ended up pulling it down off my nose and mouth so that I could breathe properly, but it still covered by head, cheeks, ears and neck. At the turn around point, I pull up the face mask to eat a sandwich, when I noticed that I had icicles on my glasses as well as at the opening of my face mask. Wow. That's pretty cold. My water bottles, which usually do well when they are under my vest were also freezing up. One was unusable, and another was just open enough to get water out. When I got back to the car, I noticed that I had a frost beard where the face mask had gotten wet due to my breath and then frozen over. What a scary site, I'm sure. The good part was that it warmed up 10 degrees during my run, from 4 degrees to 14.
Not a bad week overall.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Moon Shadow
But, I got dressed, two layers of everything, had a GU energy gel, found out it was 9 degrees, with a wind chill of -4, and then ran 4.4 miles. Except for my face, I felt pretty good. I was a little sluggish, probably due to the cold and the two layers of pants, but I felt alright. My face got pretty cold, and it never quite warmed up, but I haven't gone to the next step of buying one of those face hats (or whatever they're called) because it normally doesn't get that cold here. Normally, cold = temps in the 20's. However, given that it's fairly early in the cold winter season, maybe I should find a sale someplace.
Anyway, the sky was very clear and there was a half-moon out (ever notice that in the winter, the clear sky seems much more clear than in the summer, especially at night?). The sky was so clear, and the moon (even the half-moon) was so bright that I had a shadow. I thought that was pretty cool. I usually don't see a moon shadow due to clouds, other lights, daytime, etc., so this was nice.
I didn't clock my run today because I didn't feel like it, plus, I didn't want to injure myself trying to keep pace when it was so cold out.
Tomorrow, a long run! (hopefully)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Not Too Cold in O'Fallon
This week I have been in O'Fallon IL and I continue to enjoy running here. On Monday, I ran 6.5-ish on my favorite road -- Lincoln Ave. It was in the 20's but I had packed enough clothes to not get too cold. I ran a 9:06 or something like that.
Yesterday, I didn't run, but then again, it was in the teens in the morning, with a 20+ mph wind, making the wind chill about 0. If I was at home, I *might* have run (but probably not), but I didn't pack the right clothes for this weather.
Today, I ran again. I ran a new route, and I missed the turnaround point, thus making a 7.5 mile run into an 8.5 mile run. I ran a 8:55 mile, so it wasn't too bad. I just needed to be mindful of my overall time, as I didn't want to make myself late by running. It was a thoroughly enjoyable run, although I might have overdressed (although, when it got windy, I felt under-dressed). I ran within sight distance of a Veteran's Memorial, so maybe next time, I'll try to run by it. From a distance, it looked very impressive. Maybe it's karma, but I wouldn't have run by the memorial if I turned around when I was supposed to.
Oh, yesterday I purchased a Brook's LED arm band (at least, I think it's an arm band, but you could probably put it on your leg). It's made of reflective material and it has 5 blinking LED lights. I'm not sure how effective it is, but any active light is useful in the dark. I wear a reflective vest, but I'm still pretty dark out there unless there is a light shining directly on me. I like it.
Hopefully I'll hit my mileage goal this week, which would include a 14-16 mile long run (ugh). I'd like to run on the Fairfax County Cross County Trail again, if I can fit my run in with the drive to and from.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Happy 2009
Today, in *trying* to keep up with My Lovely Wife's marathon training plan, I ran 14 miles. Ouch. I was planning on running on the W&OD bike/running/walking trail, but decided to run along the horse path next to it, to keep the impact down. Well, in doing so, I missed the bridge that crosses a stream. Well, at that point, I decided to keep the trail and run north, where it met up with the Fairfax County Cross County Trail. It was the first time I had been on that section of the trail. It was a very nice run, some very nice wooded sections and running along creeks and streams for a good part of it. It totally beat the W&OD trail for the scenery. Anyway, my pace suffered, which wasn't a bad thing at all, but I remembered the last time I did a trail run (at Bull Run Regional Trail), and that run kicked my butt. At the 12 mile mark, as I told My Lovely Wife, the wheels fell off. I had just picked up the W&OD trail again, and it was a long, slow jog back to my starting point. I had to walk twice in the last 2 miles. However, I did do 14 miles, but it was probably not a great thing to do.
I'm supposed to do 15 as my long run next week, but I'm thinking of dropping it back down to 12-13, to ensure that I don't injure myself any more than I need to :)