Well, I did manage to get a run in last night -- on the treadmill. I didn't / couldn't run in the morning, so I decided to do a run every 36 hours or so this week (Tuesday am, Wednesday, pm, Friday am) as my knee still feels funny. Doesn't actually hurt (unless I bend it all the way), but I do notice it, which probably isn't a good thing.
So, during the new episode of Lost last night, I got on treadmill, turned closed captioning on the TV, and started running. I actually got engaged with the storyline and all of the sudden I was at 2 miles. However, I was feeling twinges in my left foot during my run. I think I was changing my running gait, or doing something to compensate for my left knee, and it was causing issues with my foot, so I stopped at 4 miles. Now, if I were running outside, I wouldn't have had that luxury. However, on the other hand, given the high winds and rain, I probably wouldn't have noticed the twinges and continued running (plus, I would have been 2 miles away from home still). All reasons aside, I stopped at 4 miles (9:30-ish pace).
That brings me to a whopping 10 miles this week. Not sure if I should do 20 (!) this weekend, especially with my knee. I wonder if I did 12/12 (Sat/Sun) if that would work. Hmmm...
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