Better check it quick, 'cause it ain't gonna last long. I noticed that I was in the top ten (number 8) in the total miles run in the past week (2-26 to 3-3) (the caveat being that I'm only showing public logs). There must've been a running holiday that I didn't know about. We'll check after the re-count. By the way, I'm talking about the Leaderboard in BuckeyeOutdoors ( To keep my ego in check, I'm number 12 for the entire month and number 249 for lifetime. Number 1 lifetime has 26,218 miles. It'll take me awhile to catch up....
Well, I ran 8.24 miles today at a pretty good pace. That makes it 25 miles so far this week. Not bad. I'm off to a good start, but we'll see how long it lasts. Dunno when I'm going to run tomorrow (FIOS is coming - yay!). If I could, I'd love to get 10 miles in, but don't know if that's possible. It was even hard getting started today. Running in the afternoon -- it's tough to start, because I'm already moving around. It's one thing to wake up and head out the door; it's quite another to stop what you are doing, change, and get outside. I think my only saving grace is the weather. It was 65 degrees when I ran today (but cloudy and quite windy).
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