Knowing that it is raining very heavily back home, it makes it a little easier to run at the beach. It doesn't hurt that it's 66 degrees a little overcast.
Ran an easy 4 today (4.32 to be exact). My pace is little mis-leading though (8:32). I was exhausted at the end of the run. Plus, the course is pretty much entirely flat (according to the USATF map site, there is a total climb of 61 feet and total elevation change of 116 feet) -- yes, very flat. I believe my exhaustion has to do with the fact that my family and I were in the car from 8 am or so until about 3:30 pm (with some stops for food, etc.). Plus, when we are on trips, my nutrition pretty much goes out the window -- McDonald's and cookies aren't a basic 4 food group sort of meal. Regardless, I wanted to run to a) get some mileage in; b) get ready for My Lovely Wife's and I 13 miler tomorrow; and c) because we are at the beach!
I'm a little worried about the weather actually -- I've been used to colder temps (although getting warmer). Not sure about how my body will react to 60+ degrees for a long, slow run. We will have nutrition with us (PB sandwiches) and of course, lots of water. We'll see though.
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