Monday, March 10, 2008


Finally got a run in.... finally got a post in. Noticed that I didn't put my mileage into on Saturday, so I didn't post either (whoops).

Saturday run: was scheduled to do a 8-10 miler. Was spring-like outside (rain, sun, rain, downpour, sun, repeat), was I was sorta looking forward to running in the rain. However, at 1.8 miles out, I *thought* I heard thunder. Since t-storms were forecasted, I didn't really want to be stuck out there when lightening struck, so I turned around and headed back home (so much for my long run). However, to make the most out of the situation, I nearly sprinted up every hill I found. Mile 3 was a 8:06, mile 4 was a 7:50, and the last .3 miles was a 7:26. great last half, but still, only 4.3 miles total. It did get my mileage up past 40, but that also included a 14 miler on Sunday (thank God I did a long run on Sunday!).

Today: mis-set my alarm, so I didn't get up in time to run this morning (also didn't help that daylight savings time made it dark again in the morning). I didn't want two days off, so I ran tonight at 9:00 pm. Thought I had a 6 mile loop planned, but turned out to be a 5.72 mile loop. Didn't feel like extending it the last 1/4 mile or so (it *was* nearly 10:00pm you know), so I left it at that. At least I ran today!

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