Thursday, April 29, 2010

Some Things Considered

Ever wonder how your life would be changed if you left earlier or arrived later than your actual arrival or departure?  I was thinking that when I was heading to the airport last Sunday. I was thinking back to after my senior year in high school. My friends and I had gone to the Ocean City, Maryland for beach week before (or maybe it was after) Graduation. On the last day, I caught a ride with a buddy to go back home to do something or other. It turns out that the other group of people I was hanging out with took their rental house security deposit and went water skiing. I missed out of that because I left early. I was bummed when I found out (apparently I still am because I was thinking about it 20+ years later). Anyway, something like that happened again this past Sunday. I got to the airport a little early as I wasn't sure about security lines, etc, when I saw my oldest sister in the security line ahead of me!  Now, my sister lives in Kansas and doesn't often come out this-a-way. She was here for some event nearby and was only here for the weekend. I could not even calculate the odds of this happening and the events that needed to occur for this to happen (for starters, my business trip was delayed a week). We couldn't even have planned it better if we tried. Anyway, that was really nice that I got to see her. 

Oh, I ran some this week too. I ran 6 miles on Monday, 4 miles on Wednesday, and 8 miles this morning. My pace was very good too. It seemed that the run last Wednesday really got my pace going. I ran well into the 8-something pace monday and Wednesday, and something like an 8:25 for the 8-miler this morning. I was really happy with that. Now, my right plantar hurts a little bit when I stand up and start walking (since I was flying today, I hobbled a bit funny when I got off the plane). I'll try to (re)start my effort to run on trails or other soft surfaces on weekends. 

Speaking of trails, considering that although my speed is coming along, and that I seem to be able to keep the speed up on longer runs, I'm not sure I should sign up for a race (read: marathon) this fall. Mostly due to my  plantar fasciitus. I fear the long runs required to train will prevent it from healing. However, that doesn't preclude me from taking on the distance this fall on the Bull Run Regional Trail. Since the trail goes on for 20+ miles, I could easily go out 13.1 (and then back) and end up running the full marathon distance. I'm not sure I'm going to do this, as I'm just mulling it over in my mind (also still thinking of an official fall marathon as well). 

During my run today, I was also thinking of how many people run 20+ miles when they are *not* training for a marathon**. I know *I* haven't run 20*** unless I've been marathon training. If I were to do the marathon distance trail run this fall, it would be the first time I've run over 20**** miles without training for an official marathon. Hmm... should I do that?

Another part of me is wondering if I can qualify for the Marathon Maniacs.  To qualify for the Bronze level, I need to either (1) Run 2 Marathons within a 16 day time frame, OR (2) Run 3 Marathons within a 90 day time frame.  Of course, this is totally opposite the paragraph above (that is, *not* training for an official marathon to avoid further injury).  Oh well....

** The number 20 has now appeared 3 times in this post. You should use that number to play the lottery!
*** 4 times!
****  5 times!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Running with a Group, Part Two / Another Evening Run

I do want to point out one thing about last night's run -- although I *think* I ran an 8:20-8:25 pace, it was no walk in the park.  I was beat.  I was *happy* I had to wait 2-3 minutes at the intersection going out, and happy I had to wait 1-2 minutes at the same intersection coming back.  I was beat at the end.  I wasn't going race pace, but I was close.  *That* is the biggest thing to (re) learn about running with a group -- don't go too fast.  I could handle it, but it was definitely a hard run.

Tonight? Another evening run.  My Number One Son had another sports practice tonight, so I took the opportunity to get another run in.  Where he practices is roughly 1.2 miles from a path going to Ellanor C. Lawrence park (according to my Garmin) so I headed there.  Apparently, I keep forgetting that I can't do simple math while on a run, so although I chose a path where it ended 2.45 miles in, I couldn't remember that I had to add .55 X 2 -- or roughly a mile -- to my run to make it an even 6 miles.  I got the .55 mile part, so I added another 1/2 mile to my run, or thereabouts, but at the end, I only had 5.44 miles.  I had forgotten to add *another* .55 miles to my run to make it 6.  Oh well, my legs were shot anyway (see above).  In fact, my quads are a bit sore from running, and of course, my right heel hurts.  Some say it's plantar fasciitis, and they are probably right.  All I know is that I wake up in the morning and need to hobble around for a few minutes until my heel can stand walking normally on it.


Running with a Group

Last night, I went on my very first Wednesday evening run with Reston Runners / Potomac River Running (PRR).  At the PRR Reston store, at 6:30 pm on Wednesdays, the store and the club offer a 50 minute run on the W&OD trail. I haven't run with Reston Runners in years, although I do belong, and I've never started a run at PRR.  I also realized that I don't run with a group very often, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

The pre-run was good.  Since I knew zero people there, I didn't talk much, but I noticed a lot of race shirts (rule #1: on a group run, flaunt the fact that you have done some races!).  There was a representative from Mizuno there with a raffle, so I entered my name. I couldn't / wouldn't enter any other personal information about myself, that was good :)  

Then we started.  I immediately started running at my running pace, but apparently others started running at a warmup pace (I guess that's rule #2 about group running...).  It didn't matter too much, as different groups started running their own paces.  There were two people who really just took off, running what had to be a sub-8 minute mile.  I hung out in the second group, but took the hills pretty hard, so I went ahead of them.  A few of them caught up and passed me at an intersection (we lost about 2-3 minutes waiting there), and they never looked back.  I kept my pace up pretty well though -- I think I was running a 8:20-8:25 average, with some 1/2 miles splits at around an 8:00 minute/mile.  That's the big thing about group running, I tend to run faster than when I'm by myself.  However, I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing.

At 25 minutes, I turned around, and started back.  For some reason, I got it my head that I needed to be back at 45 minutes (instead of 50), so every time I looked at my watch, I thought I was behind, so I sped up a bit.  With about a mile to go, I realized that I was not tracking correctly, but by then, I knew I was doing a negative split, so I kept it up.  In the end, I did a negative split by about a minute, so 49 minutes overall.  I'm guessing I did an 8:20 or 8:25 pace overall, so I"m guessing that I did 5.88 miles (since I knew I ran for 49 minutes).  Since I didn't have the Garmin, it was guess work, but the W&OD trail is marked very half mile, so this was close.

At the end of the run, I stretched my calves and heel as much as I could while waiting for the raffle.  I didn't win anything, but I did notice a cool marathon training shirt sold at the store, so I'll need to remember that.

Will I do it again? Yes.  I enjoy it, but need to remember two things when running with a group: 1) wear a race shirt; and 2) wear clean clothes (see this post for more info on this).  Note: I *did* follow #2 last night, but it's always a good thing to remember...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Non-morning runs

Thursdays are a bit hectic, as my Number 1 Son has Flag Football practice at 5:30 pm.  It does for 1 1/2 hours. This week, I decided to use my time a bit more wisely than last week, and try to get a run in.  Now, I had never run in this particular neighborhood before, so it was an adventure in itself.  Plus, it was a little on the warm side (when you normally run at O'Dark-Thirty, any time with the sun is 'a little on the warm side').  I ended up doing 6 miles at a 8:59 pace.  The neighborhoods were great.  I ended up running through some very different parts, and it was obvious they different parts were built in many time time periods, all the way from the late 60's/early 70's to some being built right now.  The only bad part was that I was running during evening rush hour, so I had to wait several minutes at one light (today was one of the only times I stopped my watch during these long waits).

Friday? Lunch-time run.  I ran to the local REI store (3 miles one-way) to pick up a shirt and a nalgene bottle.  I then ran home.  The pace was a little slower, as I still felt sluggish from the day before, but I had a negative split. I also took a 15 minute break between runs, so on buckeyeoutdoors, I tracked it as 2 3-mile runs, versus 1 6-mile run.  My right plantar hurt after the run, and pretty much hurt all afternoon into the evening.  Today, due to a hectic schedule, but also due to my plantar, I decided to take a rest day.  Hopefully, I'll be able to run before church on Sunday, but only a short run to ease my way back to the week.

A few weeks ago, I received an Agion t-shirt in the mail by signing up here.  I have been meaning to write my review of it, but wanted a few good runs in first to really test the anti-stink power of the shirt.  Early reviews though.. it seems to work.  I wore the shirt three times (without washing) to really begin to test it.  I stank a little, but when compared to a shirt I wore two times** (again, without washing), whooooooeeeeoooo, there was a difference.  The older shirt (worn twice) was noticeable from several feet away, while I had to get up close and personal (actually holding the shirt up to my nose) on the Agion shirt.  Now, I normally won't walk up to somebody, grab a piece of their shirt, and hold it up to my nose -- well, normally, that is -- so, I guess the Agion shirt passed the first test.  Now, to test it after washing to see if anything of the magic components washed out.  I'll write more after more science experiments with the shirt.

** Note: I only wore the shirt two times without washing for science reasons.  No, I would never do that outside of laboratory conditions.. Well, mostly never.. that is, sometimes.. well, okay, often... happy?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What's Going On?

I don't know what is going on this week.  Last week, I did my last real run on Friday (documented in this post).  Saturday, I ran a mile with Number One Son (but didn't track it).  I didn't run again until Tuesday, a 6 miler, but very sluggish.  This morning, I ran 3 miles in my 5Fingers (btw, I figured instead of typing VFF like the VFF fanatics, I can type 5Fingers, with my reasoning being I'm less of a fanatic).  This was *very* sluggish.  I originally was going to do 4, but after running 1/4 mile in the 5Fingers, I figured I didn't want to injure myself, so I dropped it to 3.  

Tomorrow? Who knows... Hopefully 6, but also expect it to be sluggish (how's that for positive thinking!).

The good part of the week (here's the positive thinking) is that I can finally wake up early again.  However, I'm *very* beat by the end of the day.  You know, if it were going into Winter, I'd understand, with the fewer hours of sunlight, etc., etc., but geesh... the days are getting *longer*!  You think I'd be rarin' to go each and every day.

Oh well. :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

No Groove

Didn't have any groove this morning.  Was going to do 10 miles, but after started, realized that since I hadn't run 10 miles yet this week, and I didn't want my 'long run' to be > 50% of my weekly total (I actually shoot for my long run being no more than 30% of my weekly total), I cut my long run to 9 miles (which, in my book, doesn't actually make it a 'long run', more of a long-ish run, but I'm being picky now).

Anyway, I came up with every single excuse to prevent myself from heading out the door this morning, including running 2 houses away, and then turning around to get a long sleeve shirt on (although it has been quite warm this past week, a cold front came in, making the temps in the 50's, but there was a very stiff wind out this morning, on top of a rainy night, making it a little chilly this morning).  I was actually lucky that I got up enough guff to go back outside after committing a cardinal sin of using excuses not to run -- going back inside the house to get something.

After a 1/2 mile, I still wasn't motivated.  After 1 mile, I wasn't motivated, but was committed.  After 3 miles, I was thinking about cutting the run short.  After 4.5 miles (the turnaround), I was thinking that soon, very soon, I would get a groove going so that I wouldn't look like I was lurching down the road (I'm sure, well, pretty sure, I wasn't actually doing that, but it sure felt like it).  At 8 miles, I thought a felt a groove coming on, but it quickly went away.  At 9 miles, it was over, and thank God for that.  It was a bad run.  My time wasn't too bad (9:05 pace), but I felt terrible (or should it be 'turrible').  My right plantar made itself known, but my left knee kindly didn't.  I just need to stretch (a lot) today.

Oh, not that I posted, but I ran two other times this, both of them to Cub Scout adult/leader events (i.e., no kids).  The first night (yes, Night... for some reason, mornings weren't kind to me this week either, so no early morning runs) I ran 1.3 miles to the meeting, cleaned up, had a meeting, and then figured out a way to get 2.3 miles in on the way home, making a 3.6 mile run.  The next night, I packed up with new clothes and a sandwich, ran 3.6 miles to the meeting,  changed, cleaned up, ate the sandwich, had a meeting, and then 1.3 miles home, for a total of 5 miles.

All in all, a light week, certainly not what I am intending, but hoping to get a Saturday run in.  The morning is out, but hopefully in the afternoon?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Slooooow Start

It's been a slow start to the week, pretty much a downer from last week.  Let's see, Sunday, Rest Day, Monday, Skipped Run, Tuesday AM, Skipped Run. Tuesday Night -- Finally got a (short) run in.  I had a Cub Scout meeting Tuesday evening, so I decided to run there and back.  Not too bad a run -- the total was less than 4 miles, and there was a 2 hour break in the middle, but at least I got something in.

There's another meeting tonight.  Dare I risk running to that one too?  Now, keep in mind, that I don't bring a change of clothes with me, so I do try to put a little distance between me and the rest of the folks.  I also wouldn't consider running 5-6 miles TO a meeting, although I would love to run 5-6 coming home, but somehow don't have the fortitude to change my route enough to get the distance in coming home, plus it's late.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

*Now* I Can Say It's Been a Good Week

As you remember yesterday, I was hestitant to say that it was a good week, because I still had a run today.  Well, 10.12 miles later, *now* I can say it was a good week.  38.57 miles. 6 days of running out of 7.  Not bad.  Of course, I had to go on vacation to do this.  Wonder if I can make it a habit.  Well, I could, but living out in the street would put a damper to my running....

Today I ran 10.12 miles at a 9:05 pace.  It sounds better than it felt.  For the first 5 (!) miles, I felt sluggish.  I couldn't get a rhythm going.  I started out pretty early, but since I was going to finish up in daylight, I didn't bring my night running gear (reflective vest, headlamp).  The ironic thing was that I was listening to a podcast where they were interviewing the President of Go Motion Gear -- the maker of high-end lighting for runners.  Go figure.  I thought very highly of the interview, but after checking their website, felt that although the gear looks very good, I don't want to spent $80 on lighting.  You should check it out though.  I personally like the waist belt add-on, and they are supposed to work very well, but $80 is $80.

I hope to continue my streak next week by running at least 5 days.  Tomorrow, however, I'm taking off.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Rollin' 'cross the Bridge

This week we were on vacation at Sunset Beach, NC.  It's a wonderful place, where you can relax, take it easy, and of course, get some good runs in! Let's get the run recap out of the way...
  • Monday: 4.71 at an 8:49 pace.  It was windy and a bit rainy, but overall, a good run.  My calves were tight, but even though I ran stopped and stretched at mile 2, I kept a good pace.  I was sluggish for first couple miles, as it had been a while since a good run.
  • Tuesday: Ran a mile with my kids (yes, I'm counting that), and then ran 4 miles with My Lovely Wife.  I wore my 5Fingers on this run, and yes, my calves were very tight again!  Kept the pace easy though.
  • Wednesday: 8 miles with My Lovely Wife.  Normal shoes this time.  Kept pace easy and it was a very good run (mostly because I got to run with my wife!)
  • Thursday: A Fast 5.7 miles with my normal shoes (with mile 2 and mile 5 at an 8:04 pace), with an overall pace of 8:11.  Then I ran 2 miles with my Number One Son. That was good too! (also did the 2 mile run in my 5Fingers).
  • Friday: Back at home, did an easy 3 miler in my 5Fingers (9:03 pace).
So far, 28.45 miles.  Hopefully, I'll get a good long run in tomorrow to round out the week.
So, the Beach.  Very nice, very pleasant.  Got to stay with My Lovely Wife's parents, so that was very good.  Also got to spend time with her Grandmother (Nana), so that was a double-bonus.

It also may be the last time we got to drive across the old swinging bridge.  They are building a new bridge (non-swinging, non-draw) to replace the old one, and it may be done by the time we visit again later this Summer.  Who knows.  It's a one lane bridge, pretty bumpy (wooden planks on iron or steel -- I think) and you can't go more than 10 mph on it or else it rattles your car apart, but it's been there since 1961 and it has helped defined the beach since.  It is pretty much a residential beach, with only a few commercial stores on the beach.  I don't know if the new bridge will bring more commercial stores (probably), but I hope they keep the spirit of the beach intact.  But enough about that :)

I did run across the bridge last year, and I don't really recommend it.  I ran early in the morning, which was good, as there was less traffic on the bridge.  They don't mention pedestrians explicitly, but they say that bicyclists must cross after the cars, so I ran pretty much sprinted across the bridge as fast as I could after the last car, but still didn't make it before the car traffic started coming back the other way.  Fortunately, they were nice and drove extra slow when passing me.  The new bridge is supposed to have a pedestrian walkway, but we'll see.  It's a pretty steep incline (since it's a bridge) so it might be a tough climb.  Ask me again later this summer about it!

I won't say that it has been a good week in running, as I still have my long run to go, but actually, it has :)