Saturday, February 13, 2010

What's Another Title for Icy Run?

I'm running out of snazzy ways of saying that it's snowy and icy outside, but I ran anyway.  This morning I ran in a different neighborhood (finally got out of mine!) and thought just how lucky we are in my neighborhood that our roads were plowed (well, at least the main ones).  In this neighborhood, there was a layer of icy about 4 inches deep, with deep ruts in it, making it hard, even with shoes with screws, to dig in and get traction.  After the ruts went away, however, I was running on an uneven surface, but relatively flat, which was just fine.  Once I got out of that neighborhood though, I was back on pavement with occasional ice.

I did 10 miles today, at a 9:12 pace.  Overall, it was a good run, but I need to get my mileage up.  I was 'done' at 4 miles, but after 6, it got better.  I need to get my daily runs above 4 miles to see some sort of improvement in my endurance, I think.  However, 23 miles was pretty good this week, and, with only 4 runs, that's not too bad.  Hopefully, the ice will (eventually) melt and I'll be able to take to the paths again, so that I can begin my 6 mile runs.

Weather? You guessed it.  Cold, snowy, and icy.  It was 26 degrees this morning, with a wind chill of 15.  However, knowing that I was going out for a while, I under-dressed (well, I *did* wear some clothes).  But no warm hat, and no vest.  My ears were freezing for a couple of miles, but eventually warmed up.  Once I got back, I went back outside for (wait for it).. shoveling (again?) and realized that 26 degrees with a windc chill of 15 is actually kinda cold if you weren't warmed up from running for 3 miles.

Don't think I can run tomorrow, but I *may* go ice skating, so my legs will be exhausted anyway...

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