In my last post, I was almost challenging Mother Nature to snow on us. For that, I am sorry. What started out as a no-accumulation snow turned into the 4th heaviest snow in Washington DC's history. We got somewhere between 23-28 inches in my neighborhood (with the snow drifts, it was hard to tell). I spent a good 6 hours shoveling on Saturday and was going to go for a fun Saturday late afternoon when I saw my neighbor shoveling her driveway all by herself. I couldn't stand to run past her while she was shoveling, so I spent another 45 minutes helping her out. At the end of that, it was too late to run, so...
Sunday am, 8:00 am, 16 degrees, snow/icy. Great day for a run (no, seriously). Saturday night I replaced a couple of screws in my shoes (they were wearing down) and added some as well, and so by Sunday I was ready to go out for a 4.5 mile run in around my surrounding neighborhoods. Now, I guess I was lucky to get my street (mostly) plowed, 'cause there were lots that weren't! Wow. It's gonna take days to get it cleared out, but unfortunately, we don't have days before the next snow is supposed to hit our area.
Anyway, the run was great. More slippery than usual, and I slipped a few times, but never fell. I saw that major roads were still under snow, and many streets in my neighborhood never saw a plow. It was crisp and clean outside (and quite sunny!) and it was a pleasure to run. I felt great.
Oh, to end the story, another 4 hours of shoveling on Sunday and no run today (I am too achy).a
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