Saturday, March 13, 2010

And Another Thing...

A couple of points I forgot to mention this morning...

1) I've been following some other blogs, and thought I'd share one post that I thought was hilarious.  This is from the blog: I Am Boring, a.. you guessed it, running blog (among other things).  In this post, Adam laments that he's doing some long runs on a treadmill, but at the gym, it auto-shuts-off at 60 minutes.  So he lists things that should exempt you from the 60-minute time limit -- or, in other words (mine) -- what makes you a longer-distance runner versus a shorter-distance runner:  I can add to that list as well, as I'm sure all of you can.

2) Did I mention that it was raining this morning? Man, with the 30-mph wind, at times, the rain was pelting me in the face, and it stung.  Reminded me of a Gatorade ad I saw in Runners World once.  Anyway, ouch.  I was soaking wet at the end, and I think I got a 'hot spot' -- where a blister was able to form, on the bottom on my foot, because there was a lot of slipping and sliding in my wet shoes... Poor me :)

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