Saturday, November 28, 2009

Runnin' at the Beach

So last week I took off as I ran a long race the previous Sunday.  So this week I began a 'reverse taper' -- basically running 3 or 4 miles every other day or so.  I did about 16 miles this week, ending with a very nice 3.3 mile run on the beach at Sunset Beach, NC.  

However, this past Thursday was the 1st Annual Sunset Beach Turkey Trot (5K).  My Lovely Wife's parents set the whole thing up, and it was a resounding success.  They didn't know how many people would show up, but invited around 50.  There were two articles in the (very) local newspaper, but there were (by various accounts) 150+ people at the race, ranging in all speeds and all ages.  The winner was a cross-country runner from UNCW (UNC Wilmington) and My Lovely Wife ran with Number 1 Daughter and I ran with Number 1 Son.  My son got an unoffiical PR of 35:19 - unofficial as it was not an official USATF certified race :-)

Overall, it was a great time.  My Lovely Wife's parents put on a great race and the runners were great.  Her parents mapped out a very nice 5K course on Sunset Beach as well as 1 mile loop.  The weather worked out wonderfully and a great time was had by all.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Whoo Hoo!

Whoo Hoo!  Done, completed, in the books.  Yesterday, I completed the 32nd running of the Richmond Marathon, in 4:09:04, or a 9:29 pace.  I'm glad I ran it, but I'm glad it's over :)

I'll try to compile a 'race review', but I'm still gathering my thoughts -- the weather beging beautiful, the race course very wonderul, the Lee bridge.. well, it's still the Lee bridge (uphill and facing a stiff wind).  Inspired by other runners (including a legally blind runner!), having my family (as well as my Lovely Wife's parents!) there at the finish line, learning that they were there at the 16 mile marker as well (but silly me not seeing them!), feeling only a bit of pain (this time in my left ankle, and not by left knee or right foot as expected), making it past the 18 mile mark without hitting the wall (but hitting it at 22), rounding the last corner to sprint at the end, and then realizing that I still have .2 miles to go (ouch).  Anyway, it's too much for right now, but all things considered, although it's not my best time, I felt great overall, and am very pleased with my overall effort.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Just a Couple Days to Go

Okay, ran late afternoon (worked from home today).  Thought I was supposed to do 3, but I was actually supposed to do 5.  Whoops.  It was rainy and cool (48 degrees). Ran nice and easy, but probably felt like a marathon-pace.  Took off yesterday, taking off tomorrow.  Friday is a 3-miler (just checked).

This is taper week.  Monday I ran 5 at a marathon pace, but legs were a bit tired.  Today, legs weren't tired at all, but it was probably good I ran only 3.  Friday?  Hmmm.. I want to run (need to run to get legs from getting achy), but don't want to run far.  Is 3 miles too far?  Should I run for X minutes instead?  Hmm...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

7 Days to Go

Whew, got my last *sorta* long run in this morning.  Since there was so much to do today, I had to get up at a mighty early 4:32 am -- on a Saturday no less!  Anyway, I ran 12 miles, at a 8:59 pace, which is pretty fast for me right now.  I started out at a regular 9:30 pace for 7 miles, and then got tired of my normal podcasts and began listening to my Lovely Wife's playlist of songs.  I immediately got my pace up and ran the last 5 miles at around a 8:25 pace.  At first, I was just trying to tempo a mile or so, but it still felt good, and there was no pain, so I kept the pace up.  I'm happy with my run, and it'll be hard not to overdo my runs next week.  There's only 3 runs scheduled prior to race day, with the first one being 5 miles.  I'm going to do a MP on that one, and I don't know after that.  I definitely want my Friday run to be easy...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How Much Longer?

boy.... another 9 days to go.  I did *not* want to wake up at 4:30 am this morning, so I got up at 4:39 instead (I know I know... what a slacker!).  However, I did manage to run 6 miles with 4 of those miles at marathon pace (actually faster than marathon pace).  I managed those miles at the following: 9:07, 8:53, 9:01, 8:53.  Not too bad. Overall pace at a 9:02, so I'm happy with that.  Tomorrow, an *easy* 5 miler.  Just need to finish a fresh route.  I am soooo tired of my existing routes.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


As much as I hate to do this, I really should publish a finish-time prediction for the Richmond Marathon for all to see.  I have thought a lot about this (99% of the thinking has actually been on my runs; I don't spend too many brain cycles on running when I'm not actually running) (plus you gotta think about *something* when you are running in the dark) (and cold).  At the beginning of my training, my goal was sub-4:00.  Now, it's not.  I'm *hoping* for a 4:10, and 4:16 would be good as well.  Given the fact that I still feel my left knee when I run (and it makes an audible 'click' when I walk), my left ankle injury has re-surfaced now that I've done a few long runs, and there's a weird pain in my right foot, that feels like bones scraping when I push off hard to the right or left, I'm hoping that I can hold out for a 9:30 pace (4:10 total).  A 9:45 pace would be good (4:16).  A 10:00 pace (4:22)? Hmmm... ask me at mile 20.

Oh, by the way, my predictions in the past have been totally wrong.  At Richmond two years ago, I felt I had a sub-4:00 in the bag... until mile 22.  At Frederick 1.5 years ago, I felt I had a 4:00... until mile 18 (at mile 22 I was wondering if I was going to finish).  However, as bad as I felt on my 22-miler, at least I have done one, and that means that I should be okay until mile 20 (famous last words).  Then, just like the shirt says... a marathon is just a 10K, with a 20-mile warmup.  At 20 miles, it's *just* a 10K.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Began my taper... last week

This week is officially begins my taper period of two weeks.  Unfortunately, I began my taper last week :)

I ran first couple days of last week (okay one day) fine, by doing mile repeats.  Unfortunately, that was the only good workout of the week.  I suffered through a 2-miler the next day, but then didn't run again until my "long" run on Saturday.  It was supposed to be 15 miles, but due to the fact that I had only run a total 10 miles earlier in the week, and that I didn't like to run more than 50% of my total weekly mileage in a single run, I opted for a 10-miler long run.  That actually felt pretty good.

Today, I ran 5 miles, which was supposed to be 'easy', but I turned up the effort to run at my marathon-pace.  I read someplace (most likely runner's world) that during the taper period, you should keep the intensity up, but reduce total mileage.  So, I'm following my plan (well, sorta) with the mileage, but keeping my pace up.  We'll see how it goes.  Since I ran at MP today, maybe I'll ease up tomorrow, and then alternate through the week, with my last long run of 12 miles on Saturday.