So last week I took off as I ran a long race the previous Sunday. So this week I began a 'reverse taper' -- basically running 3 or 4 miles every other day or so. I did about 16 miles this week, ending with a very nice 3.3 mile run on the beach at Sunset Beach, NC.
However, this past Thursday was the 1st Annual Sunset Beach Turkey Trot (5K). My Lovely Wife's parents set the whole thing up, and it was a resounding success. They didn't know how many people would show up, but invited around 50. There were two articles in the (very) local newspaper, but there were (by various accounts) 150+ people at the race, ranging in all speeds and all ages. The winner was a cross-country runner from UNCW (UNC Wilmington) and My Lovely Wife ran with Number 1 Daughter and I ran with Number 1 Son. My son got an unoffiical PR of 35:19 - unofficial as it was not an official USATF certified race :-)
Overall, it was a great time. My Lovely Wife's parents put on a great race and the runners were great. Her parents mapped out a very nice 5K course on Sunset Beach as well as 1 mile loop. The weather worked out wonderfully and a great time was had by all.