Today, I actually got up and ran. Big deal, you say... but I haven't been able to say that on a 'school day' for 4 weeks. I got up at 4:45 am (ouch), and instead of thinking, oh well, since I don't have enough time to run 6, might as well sleep another hour... I said (or thought, not sure which), I have enough time to run 4.. get your a** out of bed!
Oh, I ran 4.33 miles (9:08 pace). The good news is that I ran. The bad news is that it's becoming apparent that not running for a length of time actually affects performance. I was hoofing it (or at least, my perceived effort was high), but every time I looked down at my GPS, I was going slower. At one point, I was running above a 10:00 mile. Now, don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with a 10:00 mile. However, given my perceived exertion, I thought I'd be doing an 8:30! It's gonna take awhile before I can run back like I used to in the good ol' days (good ol' days = 4 weeks ago).
If (and that's a big IF) I can run 25-30 miles a week, I'll be fine. Getting there is the problem.
Me -- to get there (30+ miles a week) = Long Road
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