Saturday, November 29, 2008

Wow, 6 days in a row!

Wow, running 6 days in a row! I can't believe it. Nearly 28 miles this week (27.9) Can't argue with that. Today's run was very rainy, but it was in the 50's (at the beach) so it was pretty enjoyable. I wasn't too cold, and that's hard to say at the end of November.

I'm sorta getting back on track. It'll be a few weeks before I know if I'm really back on track though. There's been a week of two in the past few months where I thought I was back on track, but then it fell apart again. Hopefully, I can finish the year out well. I'm not sure I'll have enough miles for the year, but that doesn't matter as much. I did have 4+ races though -- that was my real goal. Lessee... National Marathon (1/2), Frederick Marathon (full), Phedippidations World Wide Half, and Goblin Gallup (5k). That was my race goal this year (plus, there was the Cub Scout Final Mile).

Today, I ran 6.33 miles at 8:37. Oh, yesterday, I ran with My Lovely Wife. We did 5.5 miles at 11:23. It was fun (sunny and definitely not rainy!) It's fun running on the island.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hello, My Name is....

Hi, My name is John. I write a blog sometimes.....

Gosh, I haven't posted since November 6. Of course, I haven't run much since yet. It's almost like I should be saying: "It's been two weeks since my last confes... er, run".

Well, this week was pretty good. Now, I haven't run since November 6 (until last Saturday). I ran 4 miles last Saturday, and 16 miles so far this week. My motivation was, well, pretty bad. All I could think of is an old Simpson's episode where Bart needed to sit and wait during school, so he's watching the clock, tick slower... and slower... and slower.. and then the ticking stopped, and then, the sweep hand (second hand) actually went backward. That's how my motivation was lately.

Hopefully, I'm past that. Most of the push was realizing that the Shamrock Marathon is about 16 weeks away (!) I'm running with My Lovely Wife, and I'm looking forward to that, but I need to get trained up for that! So... I'm running :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Finally, a Run

Finally, a run! Today, I ran with My Lovely Wife. I had to work at home this morning, and she needed to get a long run in -- in preparation for the Richmond Marathon -- 1/2 marathon. So, we ran 10 or so miles. It was a good run overall. The weather was good -- actually, a bit rainy, but it was cool (not cold, certainly not hot). I can't believe that it's Nov 6 and I was out in shorts and a t-shirt. Not for long, I'm sure.

Anyway, we ran (yay) and I got some miles in. That's 10 today, but 10 for the week. ho hum.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Okay, my running has really slacked off lately. Today, I ran 5.9 miles, at a 9:01 pace. At least I ran this week!

However, 5 hours lately, after sitting in a cramped position for 10 minutes, my left leg really hurts! I feels like a pinched nerve, and only when I walk (put weight on it). This is weird. Two things: 1) I need to run on a more consistent basis (once every 6 days isn't quite enough), and 2) well, I guess the first one says everything :)